"gourmet" cooking course
Peter Kraus, head in his cooking series in VHS Herne provided an evening of cooking with offal. Fortunately, there were 12 partial wedding / one inside to deal with this less-popular topic.
guts in this country fall into disrepute: they were contaminated with pollutants especially. This seems to be exaggerated, as it usually the intestines before watering to flush particularly in renal possibly urethral. Less well known is that especially liver, brain and kidney high-quality amino acids. They are also a depot for vitamins, which typically tierischen Ursprungs sind und nicht über vegetarische Kost kompensiert werden können. Dies ist wohl auch der Grund, dass Fleischfresser in der Natur Innereien bevorzugen und sie zuerst fressen.
Was besonders die Spitzenköche reizt, ist der typische Geschmack der einzelnen Organe. Schieres Fleisch wird erst durch Salz und Gewürze schmackhaft. In romanischen Ländern wie Italien, Frankreich, Spanien usw. stehen Innereien ganz oben auf der Speisenkarte und sind hier auch relativ teuer, was in Deutschland nicht der Fall ist.
Es bedarf schon einiges Koch Know How, um mit Innereien umzugehen, da Unterschiede in der Behandlung, vor allem in den Koch- und Garzeiten gegeben sind. Dies ist davon abhängig, ob es sich um a muscle organs such as tongue, heart, or a gland, such as liver, sweetbreads, etc. is. The normal meat offal close to have longer cooking times, while kidney, liver and brain will always cooked only briefly, since they are usually hard and tough.
Peter had brought several modern recipes that only some could be cooked for time. http://genussbereit.blogspot.com/. In order to achieve were the following dishes:
- tripe soup with herbs and cream
- Sour tripe, Swabian way potato Puré
- sweetbreads with cabbage and potato purée
- pig kidneys, sweet and sour with potato Puré
- calf's liver, Florentine style with tomatoes and grapes
, - winter salad
I have tasted the pig kidney and calf liver very well. In the pig kidney it was the fact that I usually only eat veal kidneys and I have always thought, pig kidneys are inferior, what if none is correct. In the liver, it was the taste combined with fresh tomatoes and grapes.
All participants agreed that the prejudices against innards are unfounded. One must only correct and tasty cooking.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Ap Bio Lab Population Genetics And Evolution
guts "kind of duel" in the IGZ, Herne, West ring 3003
I would like to report an exhibition opening in the IGZ, West Ring 303, Herne. The artist Kasimir Rajkowski (1936) and William H. Consumed (1933) are a generation. You have both the war and postwar period, met bitter but on different pages. This has influenced both.
Rajkowski was born in Poland and graduated from the Gdansk University to study art. Until moving to West Germany, he worked as an art teacher and freelance artist in Poland. He was mainly in the Eastern bloc, many international exhibitions.
1992 he moved to Herne and moved to smaller works on paper and collages. His style was and is abstract / informal, but precise in this sophisticated technology, issued for all work is visible. His wood collages are reminiscent of Schwitters.
Zehrt has learned a typesetter and later studied graphic design at the Folkwang School and the University of Wuppertal. He then spent many years working in advertising agencies and as a freelance graphic designer / artist in various functions.
The focus of his work is similar to Casimir paper work in, but also in sculptures and paintings canvas. It can be seen in its work to the close familiarity with his original job as a typesetter. The exhibited works are mostly recent and deal with the world of letters, he referred to as "Type-Art".
The exhibition runs until the end of December and that during the business hours of the IGZ Mon - Tue to visit. Well worth a visit if one is interested in very different views of art in contemporary art.
I would like to report an exhibition opening in the IGZ, West Ring 303, Herne. The artist Kasimir Rajkowski (1936) and William H. Consumed (1933) are a generation. You have both the war and postwar period, met bitter but on different pages. This has influenced both.
Rajkowski was born in Poland and graduated from the Gdansk University to study art. Until moving to West Germany, he worked as an art teacher and freelance artist in Poland. He was mainly in the Eastern bloc, many international exhibitions.
1992 he moved to Herne and moved to smaller works on paper and collages. His style was and is abstract / informal, but precise in this sophisticated technology, issued for all work is visible. His wood collages are reminiscent of Schwitters.
Zehrt has learned a typesetter and later studied graphic design at the Folkwang School and the University of Wuppertal. He then spent many years working in advertising agencies and as a freelance graphic designer / artist in various functions.
The focus of his work is similar to Casimir paper work in, but also in sculptures and paintings canvas. It can be seen in its work to the close familiarity with his original job as a typesetter. The exhibited works are mostly recent and deal with the world of letters, he referred to as "Type-Art".
The exhibition runs until the end of December and that during the business hours of the IGZ Mon - Tue to visit. Well worth a visit if one is interested in very different views of art in contemporary art.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Pikachu Hoodie Costume
East Wall Museum (MO) in the Dortmund U
Curiosity drove me to Dortmund to visit the newly opened museum with late East Wall (MO). Unfortunately, the entire reconstruction of the "Golden U" is still not finished. It still awaits the opening of the floor 6 for temporary exhibitions and the restaurant area in the 7th Floor. Even in the already opened part of the artisans are still fully active. If the building is complete in all details once it is an impressive and representative cultural center.
The recently opened floors 4 & 5 represent the actual collection of the MO dar. the museum had its origins under the wing of the city of Dortmund on the East Wall, hence its name. The museum was wg at the old place. structural defects closed over a year ago and now again in the "U Dortmundder opened. The old museum was visited by me on several occasions and I found it appealing despite its shortcomings with a very good exhibition presentation.
This can not tell from the new museum. One has the impression of a narrow bunker atmosphere without Blickaxen and off too close to the images. The large floor area was divided into narrow spaces with intentionally thick walls, which reinforced the impression clausphobischen. Not be as many exhibits shown at the old location, this is particularly the pictures of modernity. Certainly the labels and instructions could also be attached only temporarily in the short term. The various acoustic performances in each section interfere in the other rooms, contemplation can hardly bear. One can only hope that over time, some changes vor Allem stören die teilweise in Gruppen „herumlungernden“ Feuerwehr- und Sicherheitskräfte. Man fragt sich, was dies soll, zumal ausreichendes freundliches und kompetentes Museums-Stammpersonal vorhanden ist. Der kostenlose elektronische Museumsführer ist sehr nützlich, zumal auch neben der Objektbeschreibung auch etwas von der Museumskonzeption durchdringt.
Eine positive Überraschung erlebt man in der 3. Etage, die vom HMKV mit der Ausstellung „inter-cool 3.0“ bespielt wird. Nachdem bereits im Sommer die Elektronische Ausstellung „Trust“ mein Interesse weckte, ist die neue Bild und Medien Ausstellung für die Jugend ein voller Success. The showroom is large and clear, despite the diversity of the exhibits. Everywhere corners and small angles, where the young people themselves may be active, which they also make extensive use.
I particularly like the new labeling system. At each exhibit little info sheets are suspended to take that describe concisely the respective work, which I find very useful. It is not always easy to understand contemporary art, which is quite good so then brought close to the visitor.
Curiosity drove me to Dortmund to visit the newly opened museum with late East Wall (MO). Unfortunately, the entire reconstruction of the "Golden U" is still not finished. It still awaits the opening of the floor 6 for temporary exhibitions and the restaurant area in the 7th Floor. Even in the already opened part of the artisans are still fully active. If the building is complete in all details once it is an impressive and representative cultural center.
The recently opened floors 4 & 5 represent the actual collection of the MO dar. the museum had its origins under the wing of the city of Dortmund on the East Wall, hence its name. The museum was wg at the old place. structural defects closed over a year ago and now again in the "U Dortmundder opened. The old museum was visited by me on several occasions and I found it appealing despite its shortcomings with a very good exhibition presentation.
This can not tell from the new museum. One has the impression of a narrow bunker atmosphere without Blickaxen and off too close to the images. The large floor area was divided into narrow spaces with intentionally thick walls, which reinforced the impression clausphobischen. Not be as many exhibits shown at the old location, this is particularly the pictures of modernity. Certainly the labels and instructions could also be attached only temporarily in the short term. The various acoustic performances in each section interfere in the other rooms, contemplation can hardly bear. One can only hope that over time, some changes vor Allem stören die teilweise in Gruppen „herumlungernden“ Feuerwehr- und Sicherheitskräfte. Man fragt sich, was dies soll, zumal ausreichendes freundliches und kompetentes Museums-Stammpersonal vorhanden ist. Der kostenlose elektronische Museumsführer ist sehr nützlich, zumal auch neben der Objektbeschreibung auch etwas von der Museumskonzeption durchdringt.
Eine positive Überraschung erlebt man in der 3. Etage, die vom HMKV mit der Ausstellung „inter-cool 3.0“ bespielt wird. Nachdem bereits im Sommer die Elektronische Ausstellung „Trust“ mein Interesse weckte, ist die neue Bild und Medien Ausstellung für die Jugend ein voller Success. The showroom is large and clear, despite the diversity of the exhibits. Everywhere corners and small angles, where the young people themselves may be active, which they also make extensive use.
I particularly like the new labeling system. At each exhibit little info sheets are suspended to take that describe concisely the respective work, which I find very useful. It is not always easy to understand contemporary art, which is quite good so then brought close to the visitor.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wedding Invitation Wording, Next Day Brunch
Gastmal RUHR.2010: RWTH at Peter Höppeler
Peter Krauskopf worked under great difficulty, as the feast of Rhine to lead to success, as his recent Slow Food events in RUHR.2010. The menu was very well put together: a first course based on fish Rheinaal, Intermediate Court: County of snails, main course: braised beef with red cabbage and Kartoffelklos, dessert options. Anticipate a glass of cider apples from the Rhine and herring tartare.
The entree consisted of smoked eel mousse and pate. The pie tasted too strong for smoked eel, which is basically for me is a delicacy, but only in the natural state. The mousse was not saying. The snails in the vegetable bed, a delicious idea and certainly a creation of the house.
A disappointment was the sauerbraten with red cabbage. According to Peter refers to his flesh from the tip Tönis Schlachter, who is known for highest quality. The meat was tough and dry, unfortunately. It is beyond me, how did Eurotoques Chef Peter Höppeler something. Probably one has to rely on the electronic setting of a Convektomaten. The sweet and sour sauce did not contain raisins, what really makes the difference between the Rhineland and Westphalia Art. The cabbage was cooked without a kick. It lacked a Geschmackshäubchen, as is achieved eg by using cooked apples or cranberries.
The dessert is then reconciled, and the drinks were satisfactory. The service read, unfortunately leaves much to be desired. Still, a pleasant evening with the Slow Food community.
Peter Krauskopf worked under great difficulty, as the feast of Rhine to lead to success, as his recent Slow Food events in RUHR.2010. The menu was very well put together: a first course based on fish Rheinaal, Intermediate Court: County of snails, main course: braised beef with red cabbage and Kartoffelklos, dessert options. Anticipate a glass of cider apples from the Rhine and herring tartare.
The entree consisted of smoked eel mousse and pate. The pie tasted too strong for smoked eel, which is basically for me is a delicacy, but only in the natural state. The mousse was not saying. The snails in the vegetable bed, a delicious idea and certainly a creation of the house.
A disappointment was the sauerbraten with red cabbage. According to Peter refers to his flesh from the tip Tönis Schlachter, who is known for highest quality. The meat was tough and dry, unfortunately. It is beyond me, how did Eurotoques Chef Peter Höppeler something. Probably one has to rely on the electronic setting of a Convektomaten. The sweet and sour sauce did not contain raisins, what really makes the difference between the Rhineland and Westphalia Art. The cabbage was cooked without a kick. It lacked a Geschmackshäubchen, as is achieved eg by using cooked apples or cranberries.
The dessert is then reconciled, and the drinks were satisfactory. The service read, unfortunately leaves much to be desired. Still, a pleasant evening with the Slow Food community.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
How Much Penicilin To Give A Dog
"The Impressionists in Paris - exhibition Flokwangmuseum
few days ago at the Folkwang Museum opened a new blog Buster: images of a metropolis "The Impressionists in Paris." Here are some cases in Germany, little-known pictures of this era - showed (1860 1900). The main attraction is of course about 80 paintings of the Impressionists, urban scenes here more than the familiar images from nature that are usually shown in Impressionist exhibitions.
What makes me most interested, ist die begleitende Fotoausstellung über den Umbau und die Modernisierung von Paris unter dem Kaiser Napoleon III, umgesetzt durch den Präfekten Baron Hausmann. Es bleibt einem die Spucke weg, wenn man die Rigorosität auf den vielen originalen Fotos erkennt, mit denen die Modernisierung der Metropole Paris betrieben wird. Stuttgart 21 ist dagegen nur ein sehr begrenzte Baustelle. Weiter fällt die hohe Qualität der ausgestellten, dokumentarischen Abbildungen auf (ca. 120 Fotos). Dies bezieht sich sowohl auf die technische als auch auf die künstlerische Qualität der frühen Fotografien. Der begleitende Katalog (39,- €) informiert ausgezeichnet über die geschichtlichen Hintergründe dieser Ausstellung.
Die Ausstellung is worth seeing and not as crowded as the previous exhibition "The most beautiful museum ..."; until 30-1-11.
few days ago at the Folkwang Museum opened a new blog Buster: images of a metropolis "The Impressionists in Paris." Here are some cases in Germany, little-known pictures of this era - showed (1860 1900). The main attraction is of course about 80 paintings of the Impressionists, urban scenes here more than the familiar images from nature that are usually shown in Impressionist exhibitions.
What makes me most interested, ist die begleitende Fotoausstellung über den Umbau und die Modernisierung von Paris unter dem Kaiser Napoleon III, umgesetzt durch den Präfekten Baron Hausmann. Es bleibt einem die Spucke weg, wenn man die Rigorosität auf den vielen originalen Fotos erkennt, mit denen die Modernisierung der Metropole Paris betrieben wird. Stuttgart 21 ist dagegen nur ein sehr begrenzte Baustelle. Weiter fällt die hohe Qualität der ausgestellten, dokumentarischen Abbildungen auf (ca. 120 Fotos). Dies bezieht sich sowohl auf die technische als auch auf die künstlerische Qualität der frühen Fotografien. Der begleitende Katalog (39,- €) informiert ausgezeichnet über die geschichtlichen Hintergründe dieser Ausstellung.
Die Ausstellung is worth seeing and not as crowded as the previous exhibition "The most beautiful museum ..."; until 30-1-11.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Gallbladder Versus Stomach Virus
unusual canal festival before Ter Hell Plastic
On Friday evening took place in front of the canal Ter Hell Plastic unusual cultural happening. There were a series of concrete pumps situated adjacent firm voice and two excavators the company Bötzel in rank and file. The event had the significant name of "vibrations". The Herner sound and sound artist Christof this racket had a "composition" for fog horns, whistles and sound machines age.
in the oncoming twilight moved over 20 m high, erect, lighted trunk in the pump light rhythm. Later in the show the increasing in the dark through a sponsored by the company Bötzel fireworks were enhanced. The two excavators were from on high gloss metal waste, such as a waterfall trickling down. An overwhelming impression. The spectacle was followed on the other side of the canal of several thousand visitors. Not all were able to recognize in this art, as it was announced by Ruhr.2010. So it is with the art when it falls out of line, yet a unique event for Herne.
On Friday evening took place in front of the canal Ter Hell Plastic unusual cultural happening. There were a series of concrete pumps situated adjacent firm voice and two excavators the company Bötzel in rank and file. The event had the significant name of "vibrations". The Herner sound and sound artist Christof this racket had a "composition" for fog horns, whistles and sound machines age.
in the oncoming twilight moved over 20 m high, erect, lighted trunk in the pump light rhythm. Later in the show the increasing in the dark through a sponsored by the company Bötzel fireworks were enhanced. The two excavators were from on high gloss metal waste, such as a waterfall trickling down. An overwhelming impression. The spectacle was followed on the other side of the canal of several thousand visitors. Not all were able to recognize in this art, as it was announced by Ruhr.2010. So it is with the art when it falls out of line, yet a unique event for Herne.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wearing Ring Volleyball
Roy Lichtenstein - Art as a motif
On Thursday I went to the museum group, Bochum, led by Eva-Maria Schöning, together in the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. This will take place from 2-7 to 3-10 for a large Roy Lichtenstein exhibition. So far I have Roy Lichtenstein's images never seen in context, but only as part of class presentations. In Cologne, a cross-section is shown by the work of the painter with over 100 works. So far I had
Lichtenstein as an interpreter of comic books in more memory. Here I met the artist as diverse and know very intelligent all-rounder. Not only large-scale pop art paintings together with small drawings and sketches are shown.
particularly striking in how many ways interpreted icons of art history and be transferred into his own visual language. No known painters of the 20th Century will not be quoted and displayed in its own way. Also sculptures are exhibited, both in wood and metal, preferably aluminum.
I was interested especially Lichtenstein's own painting technique. The pictures are usually awarded as an oil / Magna technology. Unfortunately, I found no indication of what lies behind "Magna". Meanwhile, I'm smarter. "Magna" was the first brand of come out in the 40's acrylic colors of the American company "Golden Artist Colors." Still does this paint manufacturers as one of the worlds best. However, the brand is as turpentine acrylic paint for environmental reasons, no longer on the market. Therefore, the images differ in their technique of the popular acrylic paintings. Acrylic paints are now only available as a water-soluble systems of the various paint manufacturers. What makes these paint-like colors is easy to apply, the matte running without brush strokes of color. This creates the impression of an industrial painting or printing method, especially water-soluble ink systems (and oil colors) to highlight the brush stroke as a special feature.
On Thursday I went to the museum group, Bochum, led by Eva-Maria Schöning, together in the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. This will take place from 2-7 to 3-10 for a large Roy Lichtenstein exhibition. So far I have Roy Lichtenstein's images never seen in context, but only as part of class presentations. In Cologne, a cross-section is shown by the work of the painter with over 100 works. So far I had
Lichtenstein as an interpreter of comic books in more memory. Here I met the artist as diverse and know very intelligent all-rounder. Not only large-scale pop art paintings together with small drawings and sketches are shown.
particularly striking in how many ways interpreted icons of art history and be transferred into his own visual language. No known painters of the 20th Century will not be quoted and displayed in its own way. Also sculptures are exhibited, both in wood and metal, preferably aluminum.
I was interested especially Lichtenstein's own painting technique. The pictures are usually awarded as an oil / Magna technology. Unfortunately, I found no indication of what lies behind "Magna". Meanwhile, I'm smarter. "Magna" was the first brand of come out in the 40's acrylic colors of the American company "Golden Artist Colors." Still does this paint manufacturers as one of the worlds best. However, the brand is as turpentine acrylic paint for environmental reasons, no longer on the market. Therefore, the images differ in their technique of the popular acrylic paintings. Acrylic paints are now only available as a water-soluble systems of the various paint manufacturers. What makes these paint-like colors is easy to apply, the matte running without brush strokes of color. This creates the impression of an industrial painting or printing method, especially water-soluble ink systems (and oil colors) to highlight the brush stroke as a special feature.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Fotos Desnudo De Patricia Manterola
founding CV Eating in Slow Food - regional cuisine - Complete importance
In Essen, a new working group of Slow Food was founded in Germany in the Ruhr.
guest of the evening was Dr. Peter Peter, Lecturer in Culinary Studies and author, who led in an informal manner through the historic and modern kitchen in Germany and Europe.
The reputation of the German Civil kitchen was only after the second World War II the most damage. Through hunger and hardship, it was long impossible to do the cooking. After 1948, the currency reform, the nutrition situation changed relatively quickly and we went through a "feeding shaft. In addition, the Germans discovered on her travels abroad, particularly the Mediterranean. This brought a strong focus on foreign cuisines with them, especially the Mediterranean cuisine. This seems to be currently to change significantly. Of the top chefs, more and more of our regional cuisine is being rediscovered. This is not only in Germany so, but also abroad. Then there is the Slow Food idea of using local produce wherever possible. Meanwhile, the trend has even reached the province. Restaurants such as Overkamp, Dortmund, novice, Bochum, and various other evidence for this development. It is again chick to serve profane food properly. For example, reported Dr. Peter cans of sardines and bacon sandwiches in Schumann's Bar, Munich.
In the Middle Ages war der Ruf der Deutschen Küche wesentlich besser. Die meisten Kochbücher bis hinein in die Renaissance waren in Deutscher Sprache verfasst. Dies hat sich erst im 17. JH geändert. Dann wurde die Französische Küche in Europa führend, was natürlich auch mit der politischen Entwicklung zu tun hatte. Wir können nur hoffen, dass sich die neue Deutsche Kochgarde an die Spitze dieser internationalen Bewegung, regionale Küche stellt und so etwas von der Bedeutung in der Vergangenheit zurückgewinnt.
In Essen, a new working group of Slow Food was founded in Germany in the Ruhr.
guest of the evening was Dr. Peter Peter, Lecturer in Culinary Studies and author, who led in an informal manner through the historic and modern kitchen in Germany and Europe.
The reputation of the German Civil kitchen was only after the second World War II the most damage. Through hunger and hardship, it was long impossible to do the cooking. After 1948, the currency reform, the nutrition situation changed relatively quickly and we went through a "feeding shaft. In addition, the Germans discovered on her travels abroad, particularly the Mediterranean. This brought a strong focus on foreign cuisines with them, especially the Mediterranean cuisine. This seems to be currently to change significantly. Of the top chefs, more and more of our regional cuisine is being rediscovered. This is not only in Germany so, but also abroad. Then there is the Slow Food idea of using local produce wherever possible. Meanwhile, the trend has even reached the province. Restaurants such as Overkamp, Dortmund, novice, Bochum, and various other evidence for this development. It is again chick to serve profane food properly. For example, reported Dr. Peter cans of sardines and bacon sandwiches in Schumann's Bar, Munich.
In the Middle Ages war der Ruf der Deutschen Küche wesentlich besser. Die meisten Kochbücher bis hinein in die Renaissance waren in Deutscher Sprache verfasst. Dies hat sich erst im 17. JH geändert. Dann wurde die Französische Küche in Europa führend, was natürlich auch mit der politischen Entwicklung zu tun hatte. Wir können nur hoffen, dass sich die neue Deutsche Kochgarde an die Spitze dieser internationalen Bewegung, regionale Küche stellt und so etwas von der Bedeutung in der Vergangenheit zurückgewinnt.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Can You Buy Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice
cabbage a surprising court
Viele wissen, dass ich mich für die Bürgerliche Küche der Vergangenheit interessiere, zumal ich sie in guter Erinnerung habe. Heute wird diese Küche im allgemeinen abgelehnt als zu schwer und ungesund. Ein wichtiger Grund der Ablehnung ist die Sparsamkeit in der schlechten Zeit im und nach dem Krieg. Unsere Mütter haben deshalb nicht so schmackhaft gekocht, da es ihnen an den einfachsten Zutaten, wie Fett, Fleisch oder auch Gewürze mangelte. Das ist Vergangenheit. Uns fehlt es heute an nichts mehr, traditionelle Gerichte raffiniert und schmackhaft zu kochen.
Ein kleiner Weißkohl auf der Brotmaschine oder von Hand in Streifen schneiden, in einem Schmortopf angeräucherte Mettwurst und Zwiebeln mit einem kleinen Teelöffel Zucker und Schmalz anbraten/karamellisieren. In das Fett Gewürze wie Kreuzkümmel, Senfsaat, Bockshornklee, Nelke, Piment usw. geben. If given, above all, unground spices into the oil, the better the taste combines that are easily shared penetrance is taken. Dilute the washed cabbage, sprinkle with dry white wine, bay leaf, salt and pepper and simmer slowly reduced cooking about 45 minutes. acidify with green grape juice (verjus) or fruit vinegar to taste.
Squashed potatoes with cream and a random subject butter. In addition, there may be fried black pudding, sausages or Panhas served.
is important to not to long cooking time, and subjecting the potatoes with cream and butter. The potatoes can not cook with. This is recommended way für alle „durcheinander“ gekochten Rezepte. Der Geschmack ist dann frischer.
Viele wissen, dass ich mich für die Bürgerliche Küche der Vergangenheit interessiere, zumal ich sie in guter Erinnerung habe. Heute wird diese Küche im allgemeinen abgelehnt als zu schwer und ungesund. Ein wichtiger Grund der Ablehnung ist die Sparsamkeit in der schlechten Zeit im und nach dem Krieg. Unsere Mütter haben deshalb nicht so schmackhaft gekocht, da es ihnen an den einfachsten Zutaten, wie Fett, Fleisch oder auch Gewürze mangelte. Das ist Vergangenheit. Uns fehlt es heute an nichts mehr, traditionelle Gerichte raffiniert und schmackhaft zu kochen.
Ein kleiner Weißkohl auf der Brotmaschine oder von Hand in Streifen schneiden, in einem Schmortopf angeräucherte Mettwurst und Zwiebeln mit einem kleinen Teelöffel Zucker und Schmalz anbraten/karamellisieren. In das Fett Gewürze wie Kreuzkümmel, Senfsaat, Bockshornklee, Nelke, Piment usw. geben. If given, above all, unground spices into the oil, the better the taste combines that are easily shared penetrance is taken. Dilute the washed cabbage, sprinkle with dry white wine, bay leaf, salt and pepper and simmer slowly reduced cooking about 45 minutes. acidify with green grape juice (verjus) or fruit vinegar to taste.
Squashed potatoes with cream and a random subject butter. In addition, there may be fried black pudding, sausages or Panhas served.
is important to not to long cooking time, and subjecting the potatoes with cream and butter. The potatoes can not cook with. This is recommended way für alle „durcheinander“ gekochten Rezepte. Der Geschmack ist dann frischer.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Why Does Throat Hurt Really Bad To Swallow
veal kidneys - a forgotten delicacy
Angeregt durch das neue Kochbuch von Wolfram Siebeck „Das Kochbuch der verpönten Küche“, habe ich seit Jahrzehnten wieder einmal Kalbnieren gekocht. Vor 20 bis 30 Jahren galten Kalbsnieren als besondere Delikatesse und waren regelmäßig auf den Speisenkarten der guten Restaurants zu finden, vorwiegend „flambiert“. Die Kalbsnieren musste ich bei meinem Metzger Schuster in der Mont-Cenis-Str. vorbestellen.
Für 2 – 3 Personen benötigt man eine Kalbsniere. Die entfettete Niere wird 1/2 Tag in klares Wasser gelegt, das Water change. Before cutting the roast in a well-inch thick slices, then into the hot pan. Only after the first contact with salt and pepper. The hob has to remain standing on the highest level because the kidneys take much water. The meat juice should evaporate as quickly as possible in order to achieve browning. Not too long in the roasting pan, because the kidneys are hard then. At the top should still be some juice, then keep warm on a plate in the 60 degree preheated oven.
the drippings in the pan with "Noilly Prat or other dry vermouth Pour. Top with whipped cream, stir in a spoonful of medium hot mustard and season to taste. You can also place the sauce Fit with various herbs and mustard, tomato paste or with only butter. Before serving, mix the kidneys to the sauce in the pan.
The reservations, ie prejudice, my guests were great. The bigger the surprise, what a fine, delicious dish with pappardelle and sugar peas came to the table.
Angeregt durch das neue Kochbuch von Wolfram Siebeck „Das Kochbuch der verpönten Küche“, habe ich seit Jahrzehnten wieder einmal Kalbnieren gekocht. Vor 20 bis 30 Jahren galten Kalbsnieren als besondere Delikatesse und waren regelmäßig auf den Speisenkarten der guten Restaurants zu finden, vorwiegend „flambiert“. Die Kalbsnieren musste ich bei meinem Metzger Schuster in der Mont-Cenis-Str. vorbestellen.
Für 2 – 3 Personen benötigt man eine Kalbsniere. Die entfettete Niere wird 1/2 Tag in klares Wasser gelegt, das Water change. Before cutting the roast in a well-inch thick slices, then into the hot pan. Only after the first contact with salt and pepper. The hob has to remain standing on the highest level because the kidneys take much water. The meat juice should evaporate as quickly as possible in order to achieve browning. Not too long in the roasting pan, because the kidneys are hard then. At the top should still be some juice, then keep warm on a plate in the 60 degree preheated oven.
the drippings in the pan with "Noilly Prat or other dry vermouth Pour. Top with whipped cream, stir in a spoonful of medium hot mustard and season to taste. You can also place the sauce Fit with various herbs and mustard, tomato paste or with only butter. Before serving, mix the kidneys to the sauce in the pan.
The reservations, ie prejudice, my guests were great. The bigger the surprise, what a fine, delicious dish with pappardelle and sugar peas came to the table.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Fisher-price Snap N Style
visit Dortmund U "Exh. "Trust"
My 1st Visit to Dortmund "U" was a bit disappointing. I knew that one a few months with the completion back is that it has partially met the first shell stage was unknown to me. Provisionally partially opened, the levels 1 - 3 In the lower Level will be an exhibition on the planning of the West district, where the old Union building is located. Levels 2 and 3 are played by the Media Arts Association and the Center for Digital Education. Here is no floor, the large escalators are still calm, the flow of visitors is sparse. It is expected more guards from among the firefighters be present as a visitor in the museum (visit on a Saturday afternoon).
are worth seeing the installations of the ISEA anläßlig Ruhr in Dortmund with the slogan "Trust" in the 3rd Level. Technically sophisticated installations attract extraordinary. Unfortunately, the catalog that describes the systems not yet available separately. Such Description is essential. We are dealing with an entirely new art form which, although simple in its effect, but outrageous programming requires knowledge. Here is more requires a computer science or physics degree, as a traditional art education.
to Museum Night on 25-9-10, the other floors are to be opened. Then, the East Wall Museum (MO), the levels of 4-6 open. First, we an exhibition in conjunction with the museum "Centre Pompidou" shown. Hopefully they will in time.
My 1st Visit to Dortmund "U" was a bit disappointing. I knew that one a few months with the completion back is that it has partially met the first shell stage was unknown to me. Provisionally partially opened, the levels 1 - 3 In the lower Level will be an exhibition on the planning of the West district, where the old Union building is located. Levels 2 and 3 are played by the Media Arts Association and the Center for Digital Education. Here is no floor, the large escalators are still calm, the flow of visitors is sparse. It is expected more guards from among the firefighters be present as a visitor in the museum (visit on a Saturday afternoon).
are worth seeing the installations of the ISEA anläßlig Ruhr in Dortmund with the slogan "Trust" in the 3rd Level. Technically sophisticated installations attract extraordinary. Unfortunately, the catalog that describes the systems not yet available separately. Such Description is essential. We are dealing with an entirely new art form which, although simple in its effect, but outrageous programming requires knowledge. Here is more requires a computer science or physics degree, as a traditional art education.
to Museum Night on 25-9-10, the other floors are to be opened. Then, the East Wall Museum (MO), the levels of 4-6 open. First, we an exhibition in conjunction with the museum "Centre Pompidou" shown. Hopefully they will in time.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
My Mom Caught Me In Her Panties
New Restaurant "dining room" Essen-Werden, no Italian
Somewhat by accident we heard from the "Fat Angel", has been transformed into the "dining room". It refers to the known Beer garden restaurant, which is mutated to a recommended new Essrestaurant.
We ate home-made jelly of veal boiled in chive sauce, with real potatoes. Then, fresh turnip greens mixed with angeräucherten pork, garnished with cabbage and carrot cubes. This red wine a Palatinate "tutor" of Bio-Weingut Stuck, just 12.5% alcohol. The main courses finally tasted just as expected and thirsted not, as in a star restaurant.
For dessert a chocolate mixed food "death" chocolate "and pancake. The food was a treat not live as long in restaurants. For once, no Mediterranean cuisine, but a surprise-rich Central European cuisine. It offers changing of dishes which are reinterpreted from the bourgeois cuisine. One will also bring veal kidneys and sweetbreads. We look forward to it.
Somewhat by accident we heard from the "Fat Angel", has been transformed into the "dining room". It refers to the known Beer garden restaurant, which is mutated to a recommended new Essrestaurant.
We ate home-made jelly of veal boiled in chive sauce, with real potatoes. Then, fresh turnip greens mixed with angeräucherten pork, garnished with cabbage and carrot cubes. This red wine a Palatinate "tutor" of Bio-Weingut Stuck, just 12.5% alcohol. The main courses finally tasted just as expected and thirsted not, as in a star restaurant.
For dessert a chocolate mixed food "death" chocolate "and pancake. The food was a treat not live as long in restaurants. For once, no Mediterranean cuisine, but a surprise-rich Central European cuisine. It offers changing of dishes which are reinterpreted from the bourgeois cuisine. One will also bring veal kidneys and sweetbreads. We look forward to it.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Shaving Before A Brazilian Wax
"Slave City" in the Folkwang Museum
I had the opportunity to again visit the exhibition "The most beautiful museum in the world" with my sister. We were interested for the new hanging of the general part of the museum. New is a complete hall for the Atelier van Lieshout, who had dedicated the museum in 2008 an exhibition.
We were astonished in front of a large-format picture "zero foot print" , Which upon closer inspection turned out to be a work-flow of an extermination camp. We found no further explanation in the hall, ambiguous in the other exhibits: "Hanging Men," "eviscerated Man," "sleep and work unit with slaves," were issued by Lieshout. We were outraged that the kind in the Folkwang Museum is presented without comment. I had luck. In the book sale I was able to get the last copy of the exhibition catalog of 2008 "Slave City". The various texts are then explained what it is all about the artists. The series, slave city, is a great community work of the Ateliers über mehrere Jahre. Man will klar machen, wozu der Mensch fähig ist und bezieht sich auf Gräueltaten der Vergangenheit, die da sind: Vernichtungslager, Völkermord, Euthanasie, Völkerversklavung u.v.m.
Mit schwerverständlichen tiefgründigen Witz (Zitat Katalog S.49) versucht man diese Maschinerie zu Perfektionieren und mit wirtschaftlichen Profit zu betreiben. Es geht also darum, planerisch darzustellen, wie man Menschenvernichtung noch optimierter und wirtschaftlicher betreiben kann. Man bezieht sich hierbei auf viele Beschreibungen aus Kunst, Literatur, Film und Dokumentationen. Es werden einige dieser Quellen angeführt, um wohl ein Alibi für das eigene Projekt zu finden. Was Andere done with success and cynicism have have yet to surpass. It must be possible, such as a death camp to "improve, optimize" for example, such as Auschwitz. From the perspective of the artist, that was made just so amateurish. The whole thing meant to be a critical contribution to the art. Apparently I am and remain a philistine who takes offense thereto ..
I had the opportunity to again visit the exhibition "The most beautiful museum in the world" with my sister. We were interested for the new hanging of the general part of the museum. New is a complete hall for the Atelier van Lieshout, who had dedicated the museum in 2008 an exhibition.
We were astonished in front of a large-format picture "zero foot print" , Which upon closer inspection turned out to be a work-flow of an extermination camp. We found no further explanation in the hall, ambiguous in the other exhibits: "Hanging Men," "eviscerated Man," "sleep and work unit with slaves," were issued by Lieshout. We were outraged that the kind in the Folkwang Museum is presented without comment. I had luck. In the book sale I was able to get the last copy of the exhibition catalog of 2008 "Slave City". The various texts are then explained what it is all about the artists. The series, slave city, is a great community work of the Ateliers über mehrere Jahre. Man will klar machen, wozu der Mensch fähig ist und bezieht sich auf Gräueltaten der Vergangenheit, die da sind: Vernichtungslager, Völkermord, Euthanasie, Völkerversklavung u.v.m.
Mit schwerverständlichen tiefgründigen Witz (Zitat Katalog S.49) versucht man diese Maschinerie zu Perfektionieren und mit wirtschaftlichen Profit zu betreiben. Es geht also darum, planerisch darzustellen, wie man Menschenvernichtung noch optimierter und wirtschaftlicher betreiben kann. Man bezieht sich hierbei auf viele Beschreibungen aus Kunst, Literatur, Film und Dokumentationen. Es werden einige dieser Quellen angeführt, um wohl ein Alibi für das eigene Projekt zu finden. Was Andere done with success and cynicism have have yet to surpass. It must be possible, such as a death camp to "improve, optimize" for example, such as Auschwitz. From the perspective of the artist, that was made just so amateurish. The whole thing meant to be a critical contribution to the art. Apparently I am and remain a philistine who takes offense thereto ..
Build A Homemade Wagon
EMSCHERKUNST.2010 "Herner Sea
On the other side of Herne sea, Mark Dion's "society of amateur ornithologists" in an old gas tank, originally set aside from the Herner treatment plant, constructed in the form of a walk-in's study of a bird observer. The whole thing has its special appeal by the inappropriate and the old-fashioned of the art object. Children, especially, it's fun to trace the many small details. Believe it or not: malicious damage to the "open air" works of art are still missing. On the contrary, close campierende youths they see as their "own works of art," on which they take care so that nothing is damaged. Best way to arrive not art.
On Saturday, 24-7-10, 18 h, the organizer RUHR.2010 the "Herner Sea" a guided tour, attended by some 100 people took part, organized. About die Sinnhaftigkeit der diversen Kunstaktionen auf der Emscherinsel wurde kritisch diskutiert. Der Hauptsponsor der insgesamt 11 Mio. € teuren Aktion ist der Emscherverband. Seit 20 Jahren wird das gesamte Flussnetz der Emscher renaturiert. Man ist inzwischen auf der Zielgeraden angekommen. In den nächsten 10 Jahren ist das geniale Projekt abgeschlossen. Man wird die „no-go-area“ Emscherinsel nicht wieder erkennen. Der Kurator der EMSCHERKUNST.2010 Prof. Florian Matzner wollte mit den vielfältigen Beiträgen das Bewusstsein der Menschen in der Region schärfen: hier geschieht etwas Besonderes. Es wurden viele, meist nicht aus dem Ruhrgebiet stammende Künstler, aufgefordert zu diesem Thema etwas Künstlerisches darzustellen.
At the top of the eastern peninsula lock Horsthausen was a group of sculptures with sound, popularly known as "cheese bar". Creator of the sculptors are Bogomir Ecker, a native of Duisburg, and the sound Künster Bülent Kullukcus, originally from Turkey. The sound part takes about 30 minutes and every 2 h be heard. The sculpture group consists of a yellow about 23 m high tower of stacked technical elements, in which speakers are housed, assembled seemingly unstable. In addition, a large street lamp and a small aluminum sculpture. The plant will not be taking the natural, but the technical side of the region.
Monday, June 28, 2010
My Elevated Hemoglobin 199 Causes
statements from the past
Here is my report on the food in the Rhine-Ruhr center Arpard Dobriban "statements from the past". A much more detailed illustrated report Peter Kraus, head in his blog http://genussbereit.blogspot.com/ . I limit myself to a few technical details that are not on the blog of Peter came to language.
third Gestummte Klees with quince compote, a specialty from Pechar, Hungary. Fried Dumplings in small fried. The quince compote was sour, slightly sweet and perfect fit.
4th Angada abur, a sour soup with small noodles filled as deposits, unique taste, the specialty of Transylvania.
5th Stuffed cabbage, with lots of herbs, tomatoes. A long cooking time, the court is warming up, almost no carbon taste.
6th Huddel with pear, main course: cooked, smoked, bacon on it a yeast dumpling with pears
7th Cooked chard leaves with bread crumbs and lemon, this dish is the simple cooking vegetables, which usually is just garnish.
8th Buns, steamed dumplings filled with plum jam, baked in the oven, served warm with vanilla sauce.
The individual courses were prepared in a large mobile kitchen that can be played with 6 chefs is to include dishes, cooling and dishwasher, everything you need to host up to 80 guests.
Arpad Dobriban of culinary artists from Hungary, accompanied the meal with appropriate comments. For him, the main raw materials the kitchen, milk, eggs and flour. These ingredients are present in almost all world cultures. Therefore, they are processed into an infinite number of dishes. Vegetables, fruit and meat to connect back here, but make up in addition to the high-kitchens and will be seen as a simple soup kitchen Festagsessen.
Dobriban has tracked the cuisine served in his various interviews with the informant nachgekocht to achieve a very authentic taste. I had to completely new taste experiences that have broadened my horizons considerably taste.
were completely new to me, the soup Angada abur. This soup is made from a self-made "Soup cubes" were prepared. The preparation as follows: Milk is more than three weeks down sour, agitated daily, it develops strong lactic acid, this cheese is made up in equal parts 1-1 chopped herbs such as celery leaves, parsley, lovage and Others. Then strongly boiled and dried in piles on a plate. These cones are durable and are in use, dissolved in broth and cream rounded. The sour taste is back and is not reinforced by vinegar.
In the filled cabbage completely lacked the usually pungent cabbage taste. This is achieved by repeated heating and the tasting with herbs and spices. This cooking method is with us come completely out of fashion, because the vitamins are so destroyed. The long cooking time, new flavors, which in our usual fast food not only can be formed.
The stew "Huddel to oranges and yeast dumpling is really only in a large pot cooking. The smoked bacon, of course, has a long cooking time and can be pre-cooked very well the day before. The dough is prepared separately and placed together with the pears before serving as a lump on the meat. In the steam the dumpling cooked and can then be put together with the large pot on the table. The food is in Urform.
Es könnte eine interessanten Aufgabe von Slow Food sein, eine solche Museumsküche mit ihren alten/neuen Geschmacksvarianten wieder zu beleben.
first Schnapps, Speierling Schnapps, Hungary you begin the meal with a brandy
second Ham and pickles with Bolten's beer country, Entre successful, hearty cleared, the thirst third Gestummte Klees with quince compote, a specialty from Pechar, Hungary. Fried Dumplings in small fried. The quince compote was sour, slightly sweet and perfect fit.
4th Angada abur, a sour soup with small noodles filled as deposits, unique taste, the specialty of Transylvania.
5th Stuffed cabbage, with lots of herbs, tomatoes. A long cooking time, the court is warming up, almost no carbon taste.
6th Huddel with pear, main course: cooked, smoked, bacon on it a yeast dumpling with pears
7th Cooked chard leaves with bread crumbs and lemon, this dish is the simple cooking vegetables, which usually is just garnish.
8th Buns, steamed dumplings filled with plum jam, baked in the oven, served warm with vanilla sauce.
The individual courses were prepared in a large mobile kitchen that can be played with 6 chefs is to include dishes, cooling and dishwasher, everything you need to host up to 80 guests.
Arpad Dobriban of culinary artists from Hungary, accompanied the meal with appropriate comments. For him, the main raw materials the kitchen, milk, eggs and flour. These ingredients are present in almost all world cultures. Therefore, they are processed into an infinite number of dishes. Vegetables, fruit and meat to connect back here, but make up in addition to the high-kitchens and will be seen as a simple soup kitchen Festagsessen.
Dobriban has tracked the cuisine served in his various interviews with the informant nachgekocht to achieve a very authentic taste. I had to completely new taste experiences that have broadened my horizons considerably taste.
were completely new to me, the soup Angada abur. This soup is made from a self-made "Soup cubes" were prepared. The preparation as follows: Milk is more than three weeks down sour, agitated daily, it develops strong lactic acid, this cheese is made up in equal parts 1-1 chopped herbs such as celery leaves, parsley, lovage and Others. Then strongly boiled and dried in piles on a plate. These cones are durable and are in use, dissolved in broth and cream rounded. The sour taste is back and is not reinforced by vinegar.
In the filled cabbage completely lacked the usually pungent cabbage taste. This is achieved by repeated heating and the tasting with herbs and spices. This cooking method is with us come completely out of fashion, because the vitamins are so destroyed. The long cooking time, new flavors, which in our usual fast food not only can be formed.
The stew "Huddel to oranges and yeast dumpling is really only in a large pot cooking. The smoked bacon, of course, has a long cooking time and can be pre-cooked very well the day before. The dough is prepared separately and placed together with the pears before serving as a lump on the meat. In the steam the dumpling cooked and can then be put together with the large pot on the table. The food is in Urform.
Es könnte eine interessanten Aufgabe von Slow Food sein, eine solche Museumsküche mit ihren alten/neuen Geschmacksvarianten wieder zu beleben.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Buck Stove Fan Wiring Diagram
RUHR.2010 Emscher Island WWTP old Herne
The content, however, was trivial. He put the daily life of a family of grandfather, parents and two teenage siblings, based on common meals, there were conflicts dar., speechlessness, dispute and affection shown. I would have liked a bit surreal, in conjunction with the sophisticated projection technology.
The mosaics on the outside of the container remind me of Chinese Socialist or public art. It is the 19th fight of the miners since the Century glorified for social justice. I assumed this issue was overcome and a thing of the past. It probably belongs to RUHR.2010 warm, old chestnuts, lack of attractive future topics for the pot.
Als einziger Besucher am Samstag um 11:30 hatte ich Gelegenheit, mir den neuen Magneten der Emscherinsel anzusehen. Der ursprüngliche ca. 20 m hohe Faulbehälter, der vor Jahren stillgelegten Herner Kläranlage, wurde entkernt. In ihm wurde ein Gerüst mit einer Plattform im oberen Bereich geschaffen. Hier findet eine Kinofilmvorführung eines eigens für die Ausstellung geschaffenen Films auf vier Leinwänden statt. Der technische Effort and the implementation is excellent. The film is divided into four levels so that emerge parallel processes, showing the scenes from different angles. The sound fits in part to several scenes, is often repeated like an echo. Technically, I liked the movie excellent.
The content, however, was trivial. He put the daily life of a family of grandfather, parents and two teenage siblings, based on common meals, there were conflicts dar., speechlessness, dispute and affection shown. I would have liked a bit surreal, in conjunction with the sophisticated projection technology.
The mosaics on the outside of the container remind me of Chinese Socialist or public art. It is the 19th fight of the miners since the Century glorified for social justice. I assumed this issue was overcome and a thing of the past. It probably belongs to RUHR.2010 warm, old chestnuts, lack of attractive future topics for the pot.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Mucle Milk Stunt Growth?
Arpard Dobriban sunken pit flavors
on Tuesday I had a conversation with Arpad Dobriban, a Düsseldorf artist, born in Hungary. Dobrian deals with, among other things taste experiences and tried to keep the taste memories of the pre-industrial kitchen through various projects and events monitored.
A series of events such in 2007 he has performed on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the city of Mannheim. A similar project he has in RUHR.2010 for work. He conducts interviews with senior citizens, to lift the taste memories from the past. Saying so we too many hours on this subject.
We moved the question, how has changed the home kitchen, which of course has the taste impact. The following points are noticed us
- The time required for cooking has declined rapidly
- This is one time for the preparations, as well as for the cooking times even
- Today is cooked well, short wants As part of the emancipation no longer the woman behind the stove - cooking, low fat and other calorie sources
- The rejection of "bourgeois" kitchen
- Preferably, the Mediterranean and Asian cuisine, or what the Central Europeans it holds
are - this is again in front of all the young and modern Turkish women to determine who want to do, unlike their mothers to do more with cooking.
- The confirmed by a survey of LVWL in London: What to cook the Westphalia?
- In only 20% of households is generally cooked on a regular basis, then most of this the older housewives and grandmothers
- This modified food technology, the use of machines and mixers
- microwave and steamer cooking times have shortened considerably and changes the taste.
- The employment of women and men, the low number of children
- The wide range of ready meals and fast food on every corner
- flavor enhancers and artificial flavors are standard, without these ingredients taste many people eating flat and insipid
Man, this list may increase even further. It is more geared at saving time, especially since the food today are less in focus. Hardly anyone has to worry be satisfied, on the contrary, we live in an affluent society, especially as regards the food supply. We are hungry voluntarily in order to hold the figure. The pleasure has become questionable, on the contrary, people are thick as undisciplined and tend to be associated with the lower class.
With all these changes, which can hardly be stopped, we need to see that heritage is lost by these changes. Recipes can be documented and cook later. Here it is about the personal taste of the individual. Shall reject cooks that deal with high food, generally the "cook-by-side", which in the period before and after 1945 Rule was. The separate short cooking such as microwave absorber components receive their own taste, even if they are joined together later. Therefore, it is also striking some connoisseurs that courts warmed else / can taste better. This change in taste is typical of the "through-each-cooked" and makes a substantial difference.
The purpose of Arpard Dobriban is to heighten awareness of this development and make joint feasts in this memorable experience. His next event will take place on 26-6-10 at the mall Rhein-Ruhr in Mülheim. Registration at http://www.blogger.com/goog_907260990
employs Moreover Convinium up the "Middle Ruhrgebiet Herne / Bochum in Germany Slow Food," for quite some time with these issues. Peter Kraus, head http://genussbereit.blogspot.com/ Food journalist from Bochum, has developed a concept for the Ruhr area and kitchen along with several Slow Food "banquets" held.
on Tuesday I had a conversation with Arpad Dobriban, a Düsseldorf artist, born in Hungary. Dobrian deals with, among other things taste experiences and tried to keep the taste memories of the pre-industrial kitchen through various projects and events monitored.
A series of events such in 2007 he has performed on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the city of Mannheim. A similar project he has in RUHR.2010 for work. He conducts interviews with senior citizens, to lift the taste memories from the past. Saying so we too many hours on this subject.
We moved the question, how has changed the home kitchen, which of course has the taste impact. The following points are noticed us
- The time required for cooking has declined rapidly
- This is one time for the preparations, as well as for the cooking times even
- Today is cooked well, short wants As part of the emancipation no longer the woman behind the stove - cooking, low fat and other calorie sources
- The rejection of "bourgeois" kitchen
- Preferably, the Mediterranean and Asian cuisine, or what the Central Europeans it holds
are - this is again in front of all the young and modern Turkish women to determine who want to do, unlike their mothers to do more with cooking.
- The confirmed by a survey of LVWL in London: What to cook the Westphalia?
- In only 20% of households is generally cooked on a regular basis, then most of this the older housewives and grandmothers
- This modified food technology, the use of machines and mixers
- microwave and steamer cooking times have shortened considerably and changes the taste.
- The employment of women and men, the low number of children
- The wide range of ready meals and fast food on every corner
- flavor enhancers and artificial flavors are standard, without these ingredients taste many people eating flat and insipid
Man, this list may increase even further. It is more geared at saving time, especially since the food today are less in focus. Hardly anyone has to worry be satisfied, on the contrary, we live in an affluent society, especially as regards the food supply. We are hungry voluntarily in order to hold the figure. The pleasure has become questionable, on the contrary, people are thick as undisciplined and tend to be associated with the lower class.
With all these changes, which can hardly be stopped, we need to see that heritage is lost by these changes. Recipes can be documented and cook later. Here it is about the personal taste of the individual. Shall reject cooks that deal with high food, generally the "cook-by-side", which in the period before and after 1945 Rule was. The separate short cooking such as microwave absorber components receive their own taste, even if they are joined together later. Therefore, it is also striking some connoisseurs that courts warmed else / can taste better. This change in taste is typical of the "through-each-cooked" and makes a substantial difference.
The purpose of Arpard Dobriban is to heighten awareness of this development and make joint feasts in this memorable experience. His next event will take place on 26-6-10 at the mall Rhein-Ruhr in Mülheim. Registration at http://www.blogger.com/goog_907260990
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Plain Green Mens Hoodie
1973: Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
Beautiful live version from 1975 ... horny 10 minutes gefrickel! Yeah! ;)
what the Wikipedia says the band?
Lynyrd Skynyrd [ lɛnɝd skɪnɝd ] (initially Lynard Skynard and the new band name is also pronounced it that) is an American rock band . It is one of the most important representatives of the popular in the 1970s Southern Rock . Familiar songs (written in 1970) are Freebird 1973 and Sweet Home Alabama of 1974.
Their music is treating a hard-played mix of rock, blues-rock and country, the lyrics typical Southern topics. Also, appearance and atmosphere of the band embodies the typical Southern values and a sense of the region. Lynyrd Skynyrd are different from the other typical Southern rock bands, such as the Allman Brothers , embracing their music and jazz elements.
[read more]
Beautiful live version from 1975 ... horny 10 minutes gefrickel! Yeah! ;)
what the Wikipedia says the band?
Lynyrd Skynyrd [ lɛnɝd skɪnɝd ] (initially Lynard Skynard and the new band name is also pronounced it that) is an American rock band . It is one of the most important representatives of the popular in the 1970s Southern Rock . Familiar songs (written in 1970) are Freebird 1973 and Sweet Home Alabama of 1974.
Their music is treating a hard-played mix of rock, blues-rock and country, the lyrics typical Southern topics. Also, appearance and atmosphere of the band embodies the typical Southern values and a sense of the region. Lynyrd Skynyrd are different from the other typical Southern rock bands, such as the Allman Brothers , embracing their music and jazz elements.
[read more]
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Full Episodes Of Hamtaro
1966: The Mamas & The Papas - California dreamin
to today's sunny morning so I can finally cut out California Dreamin! Perhaps it is the long-awaited start to the summer ........
to today's sunny morning so I can finally cut out California Dreamin! Perhaps it is the long-awaited start to the summer ........
Monday, May 24, 2010
When Is Ok To Give Baby Rice Rusks
characters - one of the most interesting projects ever
RUHR.2010 The project slot number for me is one of the most interesting projects ever. Hardly an event brings the Ruhr area and its people so close, as it has. The choice was between about 800 possible sites, where, it is even found deep pits. Selected, only about 300 wg. lack of sponsors and staff for the overall project.
The balloons are attached to a car trailer with a winch and a day left a total of 10 days, morning and evening to and fro. The yellow PVC bladders are filled with helium gas. They must be guarded constantly, which increases in personnel expenses accordingly. The sponsorship amount is at 6,000 € per unit plus labor costs. Many points have been used by clubs or company voluntary care ..
In Herne recorded 18 sites. Am on Saturday with my sticks to the view point Mont-Cenis running to me the yellow balloons from this elevated vantage point to view. This is also a balloon in front of the Academy Mont-Cenis was stationed.
From the vantage point I could see about 7 balloons. They seem very far away, but also small. Therefore will go again to Tippelsberg to gain a better view from here.
Although the rudimentary mining today only a few large mines operated primarily in the northern Ruhr area is active, is being developed through this project a sense of cohesion and the bigger picture for the people living here. Herne were found in 18 locations and also recorded. Am today with my lunch Sticks to the vantage point of Mont-Cenis running to me the yellow balloons from this elevated vantage point to view. This is also a balloon in front of the Academy Mont-Cenis was stationed.
also the accompanying leaflet is presented informative and describes in detail the background and the problems of the past mining era.

The balloons are attached to a car trailer with a winch and a day left a total of 10 days, morning and evening to and fro. The yellow PVC bladders are filled with helium gas. They must be guarded constantly, which increases in personnel expenses accordingly. The sponsorship amount is at 6,000 € per unit plus labor costs. Many points have been used by clubs or company voluntary care ..
In Herne recorded 18 sites. Am on Saturday with my sticks to the view point Mont-Cenis running to me the yellow balloons from this elevated vantage point to view. This is also a balloon in front of the Academy Mont-Cenis was stationed.
From the vantage point I could see about 7 balloons. They seem very far away, but also small. Therefore will go again to Tippelsberg to gain a better view from here.
Although the rudimentary mining today only a few large mines operated primarily in the northern Ruhr area is active, is being developed through this project a sense of cohesion and the bigger picture for the people living here. Herne were found in 18 locations and also recorded. Am today with my lunch Sticks to the vantage point of Mont-Cenis running to me the yellow balloons from this elevated vantage point to view. This is also a balloon in front of the Academy Mont-Cenis was stationed.
also the accompanying leaflet is presented informative and describes in detail the background and the problems of the past mining era.
What Do You Tell Someone Having A Baby?
The most beautiful museum in the world - if not the masses of people would.
is also with this show something tangible from the spirit of the times - if not the mass of humanity, the rooms (over) crowded. This event is such a crowd puller dass man locker im sechsstelligen Besucherbereich landet. Heute ist Kunst dann erfolgreich, wenn Tausende daran teilnehmen können. Der Erfolg wird eben über die Zuschauerzahlen definiert. Schade!
Dennoch kann man zur Kontemplation finden, wenn man die übrigen Räume des Museums mit der modernen Sammlung oder den Bau M, mit Grafik, Plakaten und Fotos besucht. Hier findet man einen Saal der Expressionisten, vom Publikum kaum beachtet, eben etwas für Grafik-Kenner und weniger für Eventsüchtige.
In fact, the new Museum Folkwang is the most beautiful new museum in the Ruhr. The new building by David Chipperfield fits well to the south wing remained to stand, the moment still is not recorded. Curated by Uve M. Schneede first special exhibition is the museum dedicated to the past before 1933. Here is reproduced in the special exhibition, which was revolutionary in the 30s, the juxtaposition of other cultures with European art. At the same time the opportunity is perceived, some of the museum store of the Nazi stolen works, it should have been about 1,800 to show again. They were considered "degenerate art" scattered throughout the world.
is also with this show something tangible from the spirit of the times - if not the mass of humanity, the rooms (over) crowded. This event is such a crowd puller dass man locker im sechsstelligen Besucherbereich landet. Heute ist Kunst dann erfolgreich, wenn Tausende daran teilnehmen können. Der Erfolg wird eben über die Zuschauerzahlen definiert. Schade!
Dennoch kann man zur Kontemplation finden, wenn man die übrigen Räume des Museums mit der modernen Sammlung oder den Bau M, mit Grafik, Plakaten und Fotos besucht. Hier findet man einen Saal der Expressionisten, vom Publikum kaum beachtet, eben etwas für Grafik-Kenner und weniger für Eventsüchtige.
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