The balloons are attached to a car trailer with a winch and a day left a total of 10 days, morning and evening to and fro. The yellow PVC bladders are filled with helium gas. They must be guarded constantly, which increases in personnel expenses accordingly. The sponsorship amount is at 6,000 € per unit plus labor costs. Many points have been used by clubs or company voluntary care ..
In Herne recorded 18 sites. Am on Saturday with my sticks to the view point Mont-Cenis running to me the yellow balloons from this elevated vantage point to view. This is also a balloon in front of the Academy Mont-Cenis was stationed.
From the vantage point I could see about 7 balloons. They seem very far away, but also small. Therefore will go again to Tippelsberg to gain a better view from here.
Although the rudimentary mining today only a few large mines operated primarily in the northern Ruhr area is active, is being developed through this project a sense of cohesion and the bigger picture for the people living here. Herne were found in 18 locations and also recorded. Am today with my lunch Sticks to the vantage point of Mont-Cenis running to me the yellow balloons from this elevated vantage point to view. This is also a balloon in front of the Academy Mont-Cenis was stationed.
also the accompanying leaflet is presented informative and describes in detail the background and the problems of the past mining era.
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