Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shaving Before A Brazilian Wax

"Slave City" in the Folkwang Museum

I had the opportunity to again visit the exhibition "The most beautiful museum in the world" with my sister. We were interested for the new hanging of the general part of the museum. New is a complete hall for the Atelier van Lieshout, who had dedicated the museum in 2008 an exhibition.

We were astonished in front of a large-format picture "zero foot print" , Which upon closer inspection turned out to be a work-flow of an extermination camp. We found no further explanation in the hall, ambiguous in the other exhibits: "Hanging Men," "eviscerated Man," "sleep and work unit with slaves," were issued by Lieshout. We were outraged that the kind in the Folkwang Museum is presented without comment. I had luck. In the book sale I was able to get the last copy of the exhibition catalog of 2008 "Slave City". The various texts are then explained what it is all about the artists. The series, slave city, is a great community work of the Ateliers über mehrere Jahre. Man will klar machen, wozu der Mensch fähig ist und bezieht sich auf Gräueltaten der Vergangenheit, die da sind: Vernichtungslager, Völkermord, Euthanasie, Völkerversklavung u.v.m.

Mit schwerverständlichen tiefgründigen Witz (Zitat Katalog S.49) versucht man diese Maschinerie zu Perfektionieren und mit wirtschaftlichen Profit zu betreiben. Es geht also darum, planerisch darzustellen, wie man Menschenvernichtung noch optimierter und wirtschaftlicher betreiben kann. Man bezieht sich hierbei auf viele Beschreibungen aus Kunst, Literatur, Film und Dokumentationen. Es werden einige dieser Quellen angeführt, um wohl ein Alibi für das eigene Projekt zu finden. Was Andere done with success and cynicism have have yet to surpass. It must be possible, such as a death camp to "improve, optimize" for example, such as Auschwitz. From the perspective of the artist, that was made just so amateurish. The whole thing meant to be a critical contribution to the art. Apparently I am and remain a philistine who takes offense thereto ..


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