Monday, August 30, 2010

Fotos Desnudo De Patricia Manterola

founding CV Eating in Slow Food - regional cuisine - Complete importance

In Essen, a new working group of Slow Food was founded in Germany in the Ruhr.
guest of the evening was Dr. Peter Peter, Lecturer in Culinary Studies and author, who led in an informal manner through the historic and modern kitchen in Germany and Europe.

The reputation of the German Civil kitchen was only after the second World War II the most damage. Through hunger and hardship, it was long impossible to do the cooking. After 1948, the currency reform, the nutrition situation changed relatively quickly and we went through a "feeding shaft. In addition, the Germans discovered on her travels abroad, particularly the Mediterranean. This brought a strong focus on foreign cuisines with them, especially the Mediterranean cuisine. This seems to be currently to change significantly. Of the top chefs, more and more of our regional cuisine is being rediscovered. This is not only in Germany so, but also abroad. Then there is the Slow Food idea of using local produce wherever possible. Meanwhile, the trend has even reached the province. Restaurants such as Overkamp, Dortmund, novice, Bochum, and various other evidence for this development. It is again chick to serve profane food properly. For example, reported Dr. Peter cans of sardines and bacon sandwiches in Schumann's Bar, Munich.

In the Middle Ages war der Ruf der Deutschen Küche wesentlich besser. Die meisten Kochbücher bis hinein in die Renaissance waren in Deutscher Sprache verfasst. Dies hat sich erst im 17. JH geändert. Dann wurde die Französische Küche in Europa führend, was natürlich auch mit der politischen Entwicklung zu tun hatte. Wir können nur hoffen, dass sich die neue Deutsche Kochgarde an die Spitze dieser internationalen Bewegung, regionale Küche stellt und so etwas von der Bedeutung in der Vergangenheit zurückgewinnt.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can You Buy Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice

cabbage a surprising court

Viele wissen, dass ich mich für die Bürgerliche Küche der Vergangenheit interessiere, zumal ich sie in guter Erinnerung habe. Heute wird diese Küche im allgemeinen abgelehnt als zu schwer und ungesund. Ein wichtiger Grund der Ablehnung ist die Sparsamkeit in der schlechten Zeit im und nach dem Krieg. Unsere Mütter haben deshalb nicht so schmackhaft gekocht, da es ihnen an den einfachsten Zutaten, wie Fett, Fleisch oder auch Gewürze mangelte. Das ist Vergangenheit. Uns fehlt es heute an nichts mehr, traditionelle Gerichte raffiniert und schmackhaft zu kochen.

Ein kleiner Weißkohl auf der Brotmaschine oder von Hand in Streifen schneiden, in einem Schmortopf angeräucherte Mettwurst und Zwiebeln mit einem kleinen Teelöffel Zucker und Schmalz anbraten/karamellisieren. In das Fett Gewürze wie Kreuzkümmel, Senfsaat, Bockshornklee, Nelke, Piment usw. geben. If given, above all, unground spices into the oil, the better the taste combines that are easily shared penetrance is taken. Dilute the washed cabbage, sprinkle with dry white wine, bay leaf, salt and pepper and simmer slowly reduced cooking about 45 minutes. acidify with green grape juice (verjus) or fruit vinegar to taste.

Squashed potatoes with cream and a random subject butter. In addition, there may be fried black pudding, sausages or Panhas served.

is important to not to long cooking time, and subjecting the potatoes with cream and butter. The potatoes can not cook with. This is recommended way für alle „durcheinander“ gekochten Rezepte. Der Geschmack ist dann frischer.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why Does Throat Hurt Really Bad To Swallow

veal kidneys - a forgotten delicacy

Angeregt durch das neue Kochbuch von Wolfram Siebeck „Das Kochbuch der verpönten Küche“, habe ich seit Jahrzehnten wieder einmal Kalbnieren gekocht. Vor 20 bis 30 Jahren galten Kalbsnieren als besondere Delikatesse und waren regelmäßig auf den Speisenkarten der guten Restaurants zu finden, vorwiegend „flambiert“. Die Kalbsnieren musste ich bei meinem Metzger Schuster in der Mont-Cenis-Str. vorbestellen.

Für 2 – 3 Personen benötigt man eine Kalbsniere. Die entfettete Niere wird 1/2 Tag in klares Wasser gelegt, das Water change. Before cutting the roast in a well-inch thick slices, then into the hot pan. Only after the first contact with salt and pepper. The hob has to remain standing on the highest level because the kidneys take much water. The meat juice should evaporate as quickly as possible in order to achieve browning. Not too long in the roasting pan, because the kidneys are hard then. At the top should still be some juice, then keep warm on a plate in the 60 degree preheated oven.

the drippings in the pan with "Noilly Prat or other dry vermouth Pour. Top with whipped cream, stir in a spoonful of medium hot mustard and season to taste. You can also place the sauce Fit with various herbs and mustard, tomato paste or with only butter. Before serving, mix the kidneys to the sauce in the pan.

The reservations, ie prejudice, my guests were great. The bigger the surprise, what a fine, delicious dish with pappardelle and sugar peas came to the table.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fisher-price Snap N Style

visit Dortmund U "Exh. "Trust"

My 1st Visit to Dortmund "U" was a bit disappointing. I knew that one a few months with the completion back is that it has partially met the first shell stage was unknown to me. Provisionally partially opened, the levels 1 - 3 In the lower Level will be an exhibition on the planning of the West district, where the old Union building is located. Levels 2 and 3 are played by the Media Arts Association and the Center for Digital Education. Here is no floor, the large escalators are still calm, the flow of visitors is sparse. It is expected more guards from among the firefighters be present as a visitor in the museum (visit on a Saturday afternoon).

are worth seeing the installations of the ISEA anläßlig Ruhr in Dortmund with the slogan "Trust" in the 3rd Level. Technically sophisticated installations attract extraordinary. Unfortunately, the catalog that describes the systems not yet available separately. Such Description is essential. We are dealing with an entirely new art form which, although simple in its effect, but outrageous programming requires knowledge. Here is more requires a computer science or physics degree, as a traditional art education.
to Museum Night on 25-9-10, the other floors are to be opened. Then, the East Wall Museum (MO), the levels of 4-6 open. First, we an exhibition in conjunction with the museum "Centre Pompidou" shown. Hopefully they will in time.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Mom Caught Me In Her Panties

New Restaurant "dining room" Essen-Werden, no Italian

Somewhat by accident we heard from the "Fat Angel", has been transformed into the "dining room". It refers to the known Beer garden restaurant, which is mutated to a recommended new Essrestaurant.

We ate home-made jelly of veal boiled in chive sauce, with real potatoes. Then, fresh turnip greens mixed with angeräucherten pork, garnished with cabbage and carrot cubes. This red wine a Palatinate "tutor" of Bio-Weingut Stuck, just 12.5% alcohol. The main courses finally tasted just as expected and thirsted not, as in a star restaurant.

For dessert a chocolate mixed food "death" chocolate "and pancake. The food was a treat not live as long in restaurants. For once, no Mediterranean cuisine, but a surprise-rich Central European cuisine. It offers changing of dishes which are reinterpreted from the bourgeois cuisine. One will also bring veal kidneys and sweetbreads. We look forward to it.