Thursday, October 29, 2009

Does Goldwell System Remover Work?

Jeffery Deaver - Garden of Beasts

A political murder in Nazi Germany

Deaver sets his novel in the period around the Olympic Games 1936 in Germany. An American Buttonman (assassin) is on behalf of the U.S. secret service the high-ranking Nazi Reinhard Ernst shoot publicity. For this purpose it is done with the American Olympic team to Germany where they encounter a problem after another.

The novel tells is typical for Deaver, he often jumps between different characters and tells their story. Interestingly, schafft er es die drei Hauptfiguren mehr oder weniger sympathisch erscheinen zu lassen. Einerseits den amerikanischen Killer, dessen persönlicher Hintergrund und der Wunsch sich mit diesem Mord ein für alle Mal eine neue gewaltfreie Existenz zu schaffen, ihn durchaus sympathisch macht. Andererseits das potentielle Opfer, der durchaus menschlich geschildert wird und der in den Wirren und Intrigen der deutschen Naziführung es auch nicht immer leicht hat - dessen Unmenschlichkeit zwar die ganze Zeit spürbar ist, aber erst sehr spät im Buch in seiner unglaublichen Grausamkeit spürbar wird. Last not least den deutschen Kriminalkommissar, der an dem Fall dran ist, ein Mensch der seinen Job ordentlich machen will, ansonsten aber nirgendwo mit dem Regime wants to grazing, but easily when it comes to helping oppressed and humiliated people try and despised the Nazi regime wholeheartedly.

Total Deaver certainly creates an interesting look at the people of this time to show and demonstrate that not all people have to stand in a dictatorship behind this. What a bit uncomfortable regurgitates the fact that Deaver repeatedly tried the German language is installed, it is clear, however, that he has no idea. This has become evident when one reads that it constantly every German the word "Ah" puts into the mouth, on the other hand, if he babbles of literal translation, which is not working, und gerade dabei Beispiele nimmt, die ausnahmsweise auch "literally translated" verständlich bleiben.

Sieht man von dieser Schwäche ab, hat man es mit einem ordentlichen Thriller zu tun, der eine Zeit beleuchtet die für viele noch immer tabu ist. Anders als Vaterland von Robert Harris wird die Zeit aber wesentlich weniger trist und düster geschildert. Man merkt zwar immer und überall, dass die Menschen Angst haben und verunsichert sind und Deaver schildert dies auch sehr eindringlich und glaubwürdig, Harris' Roman ruft aber deutlich mehr Beklemmung hervor.

Weitere Rezensionen bei Amazon.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Ontario Licenced Mechanic

Dinosaur Exhibition - light and heavy shadows

Es wurde ja viel Werbung gemacht rund um die Dinosaur Exhibition Hall in cattle in St. Marx (1030 Vienna) . And so we have hinbegeben also to let us transport you to another world. What remains are very ambivalent impression.

First the positive. The models are really made with love. There are always two or three different models, together with curtains in separate compartments. There are everywhere are not necessarily issued a welcoming sign to read the statement which dinosaur species here. Many of the animals moving jaw, head and tail. They are really nice to see and yet so impressive.

And already we are on the negatives. It begins at the entrance. Only one spot open in front of a long Queue forms. The price is anywhere affichiert 15 € 15 € + 1 € sudden system fee (whatever that is). "Prohibited photographing" right at the entrance a sign (. Which is later taken back by the Guide "There is a sign that photography is prohibited, so you can but shoot anyway, so.. ') - Admittedly that would have one now under positive may specify.

Overall, the sounds pretty impressive, perhaps what is nice if each dinosaur is in a separate room, but here it is so loud that you understood the Guide megaphone despite only if one is not more than two meters away. Fortunately, says He received the same, that he is neither scientist nor teacher, so we shall know that one if you really want to know something should be in a textbook or possibly even make smart in Wikipedia. I will not even say that the man was not sociable and determined effort, but simply can not cope with the task of the people here to handle in moderation.

The staff makes no overall very professional. Many are quite harsh - unkind, one could almost say. Most likely I would say these are the people the bank is not originally come from the customer service, and therefore have problems to deal with many friendly people under stress.
Last not least, I
find it really annoying that is practically conceded again for everything - I have already mentioned that the 16 € per person to take. If you want to do then photos of the kids with dinosaurs (especially for a short distance of 5 or 6 dinosaurs has been established, which is very nice really) so you have to pay again for three euros. Dino riding two euros (OK so maybe everyone really comes off because otherwise would be always the same at this station). Sticker? Ten get paid, but not as promised per card, but only for each child. 36 fit into the album, the missing one can buy 10 pieces for 4 €, with no guarantee of course that you have not loud twice.
(The glasses can be borrowed against 10 € use) is called "Big Bang" is, in 3-D, takes about 15 minutes and has inside a few minutes about dinosaurs -
is the end is still a movie. Somehow, not tuned exactly to the exhibition, selected more in 10 minutes. "Wos nehmma?" "Wuascht, splashing around so long is a dinosaur!" OK maybe there really is no 3-D movies about dinosaurs ... there were not even on TV what are they? Well no matter, at least there is in the "movie" about 30 seats - enough to never, and most are somewhere in the crowded walls - but many can not always pure, so glasses are also present in low numbers. Many people will therefore these Film miss, and it does not really miss anything.

So there is light. But there are more shadows in this exhibition. The price-performance ratio is not balanced for my taste. Somehow I could not help feeling that two different groups have responsibility. On the one hand, those who are responsible for the design of the dinosaurs and their arrangement on the other hand, a group for all around the whole is responsible. The former group has invested a great deal of passion, the latter tried much cash with something they did not want to necessarily invest the rest.

Richard has it but liked to have children well nicht diese hohen Ansprüche an Service wie wir Erwachsenen. Klar deren Servicepartner sind ja Mama und Papa und die haben ihn ja auf den Schultern getragen und für sein leibliches Wohl gesorgt. Die Idee, dass hierfür eine Menge Geld auf den Tisch zu legen war ist für Kinder auch nicht wirklich greifbar. So gesehen ist es logisch, dass er leicht zu begeistern war. Letztlich aber geht es mir auch nicht so viel anders, es war nett anzusehen, vielleicht ein bisschen teuer, aber dennoch nett anzusehen.

Ein bisschen mehr Service, ein bisschen mehr Plan wie die Informationen vermittelt werden, weniger das Gefühl vermitteln, dass es nur darum geht das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen und es hätte großartig sein können. Da hat man wieder mal an der falschen Stelle gespart. Man hätte wohl mehr Besucher anlocken können, hätte man noch die paar mehr Euro in die Hand genommen - dem Cash Flow hätte es sicherlich gut getan. Aber so bleibt mir jetzt auch die Familie in Erinnerung die uns beim Ein-/Ausgang entgegen kam, sich bei uns informierte und dann doch kehrt machte.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Period Late Blood In Mucus

Carlos Ruiz Zafon: The Shadow of the Wind

Wunderbare Literatur

Zafón schlüpft - als Icherzähler - in die Rolle eines Mannes dessen Leben von einem Buch begleitet wird. Als Zehnjährigen nimmt ihn sein Vater zu einer geheimen Versammlung (genannt Friedhof der Vergessenen Bücher) MIT, where he must choose a book for which he will in future take over sole responsibility. From a seemingly infinite choice, he chooses "The Shadow of the Wind" by an unknown English author which was published in Paris. A very special book it will be observed in the course of the text still is.

The book is wonderful, linguistically, it is certainly to start with the great novelists. A statement which of course only stock which is when, as here, the translator has done a really good job. Zafón succeed in an uneventful first book to build tension. But above all, by his linguistic ability, he captivates the reader of the book Buch.Ein I am ready and willing to be classified in the major contemporary books. The book was read from first page to last fun. It is comparable with the also excellent book night train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier . A clear recommendation for my part.

more reviews on Amazon.

See also: review of Night Train to Lisbon

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

2002 Volkswagon Golf Change Taillight

Hugh Laurie - The arms dealer

Hugh Laurie as a writer?

This book was published in a previous edition under the title bullshit.

Hugh Laurie as an author?, This question I asked myself when I saw this book. And of course I had to read it, at least I'm Laurie valued in Blackadder and as the House, he is surely also become an icon.

Laurie tried something unusual and is writing a book about a man becomes involved in a game of intelligence and weapons dealer. If they have not unusual. But he writes mainly in the style of a stand-up comedy, at least over parts of the book. In the beginning, most frequently at the end of becoming weaker.

total, he arranged everything to the ultimate target to be funny, but sometimes he gets lost and then again in the description of scenes and not so funny one has the feeling "now it would be really time to worry again for more fun and at the latest, he again finds the thread. In short, one could not describe it not as fish meat, Laurie did not have the courage to accept the consequence of a Terry Pratchett or Douglas Adams, but it's definitely a book you should read it.

more reviews at Amazon .

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Does Ga Lmp Mean


Hallo Freunde,
einige haben es ja schon mitbekommen. Bin seit Mitte September bei Facebook . Einige meiner netten Kolleginnen sind dort und erzählten immer davon, ich wusste aber gar nicht was das soll und was ich damit soll. Auch nach einer Demo während des Nachtdienstes und nach Lesen eines Artikels im "stern" war ich nicht schlauer. Dann konnte ich nach meinem letzten bzw. jetzt vorletzten Nachtdienst abends nicht schlafen und hab mich einfach mal dort angemeldet, mit dem Gedanken "Kannst dich ja jeder Zeit wieder abmelden".
Ich war überrascht, dass ich sofort nach Anmeldung drei Vorschläge für Freunde bekam. Meine beiden Kinder wurden mir als Freunde empfohlen :-) und ein Mitglied unserer Hauskirche! Huch, woher weiß Facebook, dass ich die kenne? Als nächstes kam die Frage, ob Facebook mein Email-Adressbuch nach Freunden durchsuchen darf. Das habe ich erlaubt und wunderte mich wer alles (von Euch) bei Facebook ist.
Aber das Schärfste ist folgendes. Habe ja nur mein Adressbuch von gmx durchsuchen lassen. Vorletzte Nacht habe ich dann per Hand einige Namen aus meinem Adressbuch bei entered and behold: A good friend who is many years ago emigrated to the U.S. standard marriage is also on Facebook. Had they taken a few years ago in Hanover, and they told me that they do not do much with the Internet, write e-mail only. Then gave me their email address, but there was probably a bug slipped. When I wanted to send her the photos of the meeting, came back the mail. It had then tried again on Google , but nothing came out when. Ok - I had it so can write a normal letter, but would probably not even arrived yet.
And so I contacted them and so the joy is huge on both sides!
Why am I writing you this? Because the joy is so big! And because it is proof that some things make sense only when used for a (!!!).
And because these dear sister sent me a video that has set a certain Yao Lik on Facebook and not everyone has access because of you, I would not deny you. It is very poignant and is entitled:

To all of you who feel like giving up

I'm the guy ever been to a service given by "Hour of Power" seen, but this video blew me away.

Your Det

Monday, October 5, 2009

What Is Masterbading?

Bernard Cornwell: The sign of victory

The Battle of Agincourt

As in the trilogy by Thomas Hookton ( The Archer , The Stroller , The nemesis goes) is Cornwell in the Hundred Years War to accompany an archer. Was it mentioned in the trilogy about the events at the beginning of the war (the first event in this series dated 1342) will spin here all about the invasion of Henry V which culminated in the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. As in the Battle of Crecy mentioned in the trilogy is described as an English minority against a French superiority. But the English archers win the battle. So much for the general setup.

The story follows Nick Hook of after he hit a priest is an outlaw and to France hired. There, he survives the fall of Soissons and brings the word about the real reasons to Henry V of him is one of his closest confidants. Hook is working slowly but surely high in the hierarchy, and soon becomes the leader of a group of archers who repeatedly facing the greatest French general.

The book is written in good old-fashion Cornwell. Very vivid descriptions of people but also the battle scenes have drawn from Cornwell ever. His dedicated research makes him one of the most important contemporary writers of historical novels. And one can certainly return the book suggest any history lessons rather interesting in Stories want to enjoy packed.

And yet I read of Cornwell's better. The final acts executed smear piece to be finished in time. The person drawing Cornwell has done it better and more believable, and above all, he was this time not so many cynical comments incorporated, as in his great works of Arthur and Alfred series.

Other reviews of Amazon Watch.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Drinkinginpublicfine Queensny

have learned nothing?

Hello friends,
today, or yesterday, came from idea the message that on 26.09.2009 in Berlin at a march of life rights groups who wished to draw attention to the 250,000 abortions a year in Germany, was burned by protesters opposing a Bible. This happened near the Bebel Platz, has found in the 1933 book burning by the Nazis instead.
I am not going to miss again on the threat to free speech in Germany, but I wonder, some German have learned nothing from history? Christians must make up with everything? (My opinion: Sort of at least not back! hauen.)
Mir fällt dabei der Rummel um die Inhaftierung von Roman Polanski ein. Viele andere Prominente sagen, dass das doch schon verjährt sei und fordern Freiheit für ihn. Gewiss, die Absichten einiger us-amerikanischer Staatsanwälte sind nicht grundsätzlich ehrbar, aber geht es hier eventuell auch darum, dass Sünde nicht mehr Sünde genannt werden darf? Dass einige Zeitgenossen ihr schlafendes Gewissen nicht aufgeweckt haben wollen?
Das trifft doch auch beim Thema Abtreibung zu. Zur Erinnerung: In Deutschland und Österreich dürfen behinderte Ungeborene bis einen Tag vor der Geburt legal abgetrieben werden. Wo bleibt da unser (mein) Aufschrei?
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