unusual canal festival before Ter Hell Plastic
On Friday evening took place in front of the canal Ter Hell Plastic unusual cultural happening. There were a series of concrete pumps situated adjacent firm voice and two excavators the company Bötzel in rank and file. The event had the significant name of "vibrations". The Herner sound and sound artist Christof this racket had a "composition" for fog horns, whistles and sound machines age.
in the oncoming twilight moved over 20 m high, erect, lighted trunk in the pump light rhythm. Later in the show the increasing in the dark through a sponsored by the company Bötzel fireworks were enhanced. The two excavators were from on high gloss metal waste, such as a waterfall trickling down. An overwhelming impression. The spectacle was followed on the other side of the canal of several thousand visitors. Not all were able to recognize in this art, as it was announced by Ruhr.2010. So it is with the art when it falls out of line, yet a unique event for Herne.
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