Sunday, June 6, 2010

Buck Stove Fan Wiring Diagram

RUHR.2010 Emscher Island WWTP old Herne

Als einziger Besucher am Samstag um 11:30 hatte ich Gelegenheit, mir den neuen Magneten der Emscherinsel anzusehen. Der ursprüngliche ca. 20 m hohe Faulbehälter, der vor Jahren stillgelegten Herner Kläranlage, wurde entkernt. In ihm wurde ein Gerüst mit einer Plattform im oberen Bereich geschaffen. Hier findet eine Kinofilmvorführung eines eigens für die Ausstellung geschaffenen Films auf vier Leinwänden statt. Der technische Effort and the implementation is excellent. The film is divided into four levels so that emerge parallel processes, showing the scenes from different angles. The sound fits in part to several scenes, is often repeated like an echo. Technically, I liked the movie excellent.

The content, however, was trivial. He put the daily life of a family of grandfather, parents and two teenage siblings, based on common meals, there were conflicts dar., speechlessness, dispute and affection shown. I would have liked a bit surreal, in conjunction with the sophisticated projection technology.

The mosaics on the outside of the container remind me of Chinese Socialist or public art. It is the 19th fight of the miners since the Century glorified for social justice. I assumed this issue was overcome and a thing of the past. It probably belongs to RUHR.2010 warm, old chestnuts, lack of attractive future topics for the pot.


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