Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why Does Throat Hurt Really Bad To Swallow

veal kidneys - a forgotten delicacy

Angeregt durch das neue Kochbuch von Wolfram Siebeck „Das Kochbuch der verpönten Küche“, habe ich seit Jahrzehnten wieder einmal Kalbnieren gekocht. Vor 20 bis 30 Jahren galten Kalbsnieren als besondere Delikatesse und waren regelmäßig auf den Speisenkarten der guten Restaurants zu finden, vorwiegend „flambiert“. Die Kalbsnieren musste ich bei meinem Metzger Schuster in der Mont-Cenis-Str. vorbestellen.

Für 2 – 3 Personen benötigt man eine Kalbsniere. Die entfettete Niere wird 1/2 Tag in klares Wasser gelegt, das Water change. Before cutting the roast in a well-inch thick slices, then into the hot pan. Only after the first contact with salt and pepper. The hob has to remain standing on the highest level because the kidneys take much water. The meat juice should evaporate as quickly as possible in order to achieve browning. Not too long in the roasting pan, because the kidneys are hard then. At the top should still be some juice, then keep warm on a plate in the 60 degree preheated oven.

the drippings in the pan with "Noilly Prat or other dry vermouth Pour. Top with whipped cream, stir in a spoonful of medium hot mustard and season to taste. You can also place the sauce Fit with various herbs and mustard, tomato paste or with only butter. Before serving, mix the kidneys to the sauce in the pan.

The reservations, ie prejudice, my guests were great. The bigger the surprise, what a fine, delicious dish with pappardelle and sugar peas came to the table.


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