Curiosity drove me to Dortmund to visit the newly opened museum with late East Wall (MO). Unfortunately, the entire reconstruction of the "Golden U" is still not finished. It still awaits the opening of the floor 6 for temporary exhibitions and the restaurant area in the 7th Floor. Even in the already opened part of the artisans are still fully active. If the building is complete in all details once it is an impressive and representative cultural center.
The recently opened floors 4 & 5 represent the actual collection of the MO dar. the museum had its origins under the wing of the city of Dortmund on the East Wall, hence its name. The museum was wg at the old place. structural defects closed over a year ago and now again in the "U Dortmundder opened. The old museum was visited by me on several occasions and I found it appealing despite its shortcomings with a very good exhibition presentation.
This can not tell from the new museum. One has the impression of a narrow bunker atmosphere without Blickaxen and off too close to the images. The large floor area was divided into narrow spaces with intentionally thick walls, which reinforced the impression clausphobischen. Not be as many exhibits shown at the old location, this is particularly the pictures of modernity. Certainly the labels and instructions could also be attached only temporarily in the short term. The various acoustic performances in each section interfere in the other rooms, contemplation can hardly bear. One can only hope that over time, some changes vor Allem stören die teilweise in Gruppen „herumlungernden“ Feuerwehr- und Sicherheitskräfte. Man fragt sich, was dies soll, zumal ausreichendes freundliches und kompetentes Museums-Stammpersonal vorhanden ist. Der kostenlose elektronische Museumsführer ist sehr nützlich, zumal auch neben der Objektbeschreibung auch etwas von der Museumskonzeption durchdringt.
Eine positive Überraschung erlebt man in der 3. Etage, die vom HMKV mit der Ausstellung „inter-cool 3.0“ bespielt wird. Nachdem bereits im Sommer die Elektronische Ausstellung „Trust“ mein Interesse weckte, ist die neue Bild und Medien Ausstellung für die Jugend ein voller Success. The showroom is large and clear, despite the diversity of the exhibits. Everywhere corners and small angles, where the young people themselves may be active, which they also make extensive use.
I particularly like the new labeling system. At each exhibit little info sheets are suspended to take that describe concisely the respective work, which I find very useful. It is not always easy to understand contemporary art, which is quite good so then brought close to the visitor.
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