Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pikachu Hoodie Costume

East Wall Museum (MO) in the Dortmund U

Curiosity drove me to Dortmund to visit the newly opened museum with late East Wall (MO). Unfortunately, the entire reconstruction of the "Golden U" is still not finished. It still awaits the opening of the floor 6 for temporary exhibitions and the restaurant area in the 7th Floor. Even in the already opened part of the artisans are still fully active. If the building is complete in all details once it is an impressive and representative cultural center.

The recently opened floors 4 & 5 represent the actual collection of the MO dar. the museum had its origins under the wing of the city of Dortmund on the East Wall, hence its name. The museum was wg at the old place. structural defects closed over a year ago and now again in the "U Dortmundder opened. The old museum was visited by me on several occasions and I found it appealing despite its shortcomings with a very good exhibition presentation.

This can not tell from the new museum. One has the impression of a narrow bunker atmosphere without Blickaxen and off too close to the images. The large floor area was divided into narrow spaces with intentionally thick walls, which reinforced the impression clausphobischen. Not be as many exhibits shown at the old location, this is particularly the pictures of modernity. Certainly the labels and instructions could also be attached only temporarily in the short term. The various acoustic performances in each section interfere in the other rooms, contemplation can hardly bear. One can only hope that over time, some changes vor Allem stören die teilweise in Gruppen „herumlungernden“ Feuerwehr- und Sicherheitskräfte. Man fragt sich, was dies soll, zumal ausreichendes freundliches und kompetentes Museums-Stammpersonal vorhanden ist. Der kostenlose elektronische Museumsführer ist sehr nützlich, zumal auch neben der Objektbeschreibung auch etwas von der Museumskonzeption durchdringt.

Eine positive Überraschung erlebt man in der 3. Etage, die vom HMKV mit der Ausstellung „inter-cool 3.0“ bespielt wird. Nachdem bereits im Sommer die Elektronische Ausstellung „Trust“ mein Interesse weckte, ist die neue Bild und Medien Ausstellung für die Jugend ein voller Success. The showroom is large and clear, despite the diversity of the exhibits. Everywhere corners and small angles, where the young people themselves may be active, which they also make extensive use.

I particularly like the new labeling system. At each exhibit little info sheets are suspended to take that describe concisely the respective work, which I find very useful. It is not always easy to understand contemporary art, which is quite good so then brought close to the visitor.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wedding Invitation Wording, Next Day Brunch

Gastmal RUHR.2010: RWTH at Peter Höppeler

Peter Krauskopf worked under great difficulty, as the feast of Rhine to lead to success, as his recent Slow Food events in RUHR.2010. The menu was very well put together: a first course based on fish Rheinaal, Intermediate Court: County of snails, main course: braised beef with red cabbage and Kartoffelklos, dessert options. Anticipate a glass of cider apples from the Rhine and herring tartare.

The entree consisted of smoked eel mousse and pate. The pie tasted too strong for smoked eel, which is basically for me is a delicacy, but only in the natural state. The mousse was not saying. The snails in the vegetable bed, a delicious idea and certainly a creation of the house.

A disappointment was the sauerbraten with red cabbage. According to Peter refers to his flesh from the tip Tönis Schlachter, who is known for highest quality. The meat was tough and dry, unfortunately. It is beyond me, how did Eurotoques Chef Peter Höppeler something. Probably one has to rely on the electronic setting of a Convektomaten. The sweet and sour sauce did not contain raisins, what really makes the difference between the Rhineland and Westphalia Art. The cabbage was cooked without a kick. It lacked a Geschmackshäubchen, as is achieved eg by using cooked apples or cranberries.

The dessert is then reconciled, and the drinks were satisfactory. The service read, unfortunately leaves much to be desired. Still, a pleasant evening with the Slow Food community.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Much Penicilin To Give A Dog

"The Impressionists in Paris - exhibition Flokwangmuseum

few days ago at the Folkwang Museum opened a new blog Buster: images of a metropolis "The Impressionists in Paris." Here are some cases in Germany, little-known pictures of this era - showed (1860 1900). The main attraction is of course about 80 paintings of the Impressionists, urban scenes here more than the familiar images from nature that are usually shown in Impressionist exhibitions.
What makes me most interested, ist die begleitende Fotoausstellung über den Umbau und die Modernisierung von Paris unter dem Kaiser Napoleon III, umgesetzt durch den Präfekten Baron Hausmann. Es bleibt einem die Spucke weg, wenn man die Rigorosität auf den vielen originalen Fotos erkennt, mit denen die Modernisierung der Metropole Paris betrieben wird. Stuttgart 21 ist dagegen nur ein sehr begrenzte Baustelle. Weiter fällt die hohe Qualität der ausgestellten, dokumentarischen Abbildungen auf (ca. 120 Fotos). Dies bezieht sich sowohl auf die technische als auch auf die künstlerische Qualität der frühen Fotografien. Der begleitende Katalog (39,- €) informiert ausgezeichnet über die geschichtlichen Hintergründe dieser Ausstellung.
Die Ausstellung is worth seeing and not as crowded as the previous exhibition "The most beautiful museum ..."; until 30-1-11.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gallbladder Versus Stomach Virus

unusual canal festival before Ter Hell Plastic

On Friday evening took place in front of the canal Ter Hell Plastic unusual cultural happening. There were a series of concrete pumps situated adjacent firm voice and two excavators the company Bötzel in rank and file. The event had the significant name of "vibrations". The Herner sound and sound artist Christof this racket had a "composition" for fog horns, whistles and sound machines age.

in the oncoming twilight moved over 20 m high, erect, lighted trunk in the pump light rhythm. Later in the show the increasing in the dark through a sponsored by the company Bötzel fireworks were enhanced. The two excavators were from on high gloss metal waste, such as a waterfall trickling down. An overwhelming impression. The spectacle was followed on the other side of the canal of several thousand visitors. Not all were able to recognize in this art, as it was announced by Ruhr.2010. So it is with the art when it falls out of line, yet a unique event for Herne.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Wearing Ring Volleyball

Roy Lichtenstein - Art as a motif

On Thursday I went to the museum group, Bochum, led by Eva-Maria Schöning, together in the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. This will take place from 2-7 to 3-10 for a large Roy Lichtenstein exhibition. So far I have Roy Lichtenstein's images never seen in context, but only as part of class presentations. In Cologne, a cross-section is shown by the work of the painter with over 100 works. So far I had
Lichtenstein as an interpreter of comic books in more memory. Here I met the artist as diverse and know very intelligent all-rounder. Not only large-scale pop art paintings together with small drawings and sketches are shown.
particularly striking in how many ways interpreted icons of art history and be transferred into his own visual language. No known painters of the 20th Century will not be quoted and displayed in its own way. Also sculptures are exhibited, both in wood and metal, preferably aluminum.

I was interested especially Lichtenstein's own painting technique. The pictures are usually awarded as an oil / Magna technology. Unfortunately, I found no indication of what lies behind "Magna". Meanwhile, I'm smarter. "Magna" was the first brand of come out in the 40's acrylic colors of the American company "Golden Artist Colors." Still does this paint manufacturers as one of the worlds best. However, the brand is as turpentine acrylic paint for environmental reasons, no longer on the market. Therefore, the images differ in their technique of the popular acrylic paintings. Acrylic paints are now only available as a water-soluble systems of the various paint manufacturers. What makes these paint-like colors is easy to apply, the matte running without brush strokes of color. This creates the impression of an industrial painting or printing method, especially water-soluble ink systems (and oil colors) to highlight the brush stroke as a special feature.