Windows ade
Sødal, now had to think the last Windows machine to it. Everything changed over to Ubuntu! The setup of Ubuntu, including all settings, connect to the server, Mutliuserumgebung einrichten, Zusatzsoftware aussuchen, etc. dauerte gerade mal ein bisschen mehr als ein Stunde. Danach musste aber noch die Virtualbox drauf (und damit hatte ich gar keine Erfahrung) damit ich weiterhin Lightroom verwenden kann. Ging aber auch recht einfach von der Hand, die war wirklich flott eingestellt.
Aber danach ging wieder die Tortur los, denn um LR in der Box laufen lassen zu können braucht es ja eine Windows-Umgebung. Also die wieder mal Windows neu aufspielen und das dauerte dann wieder die üblichen vielen Stunden die man fürchtet wenn man einen neuen Rechner aufsetzt.
Jedenfalls ist jetzt das meiste erledigt. Muss nur noch draufkommen wie ich die Virtualbox so herrichte, dass die von mehr als einem User can be used (not simultaneously of course). Overall I'm quite happy with VirtualBox, but I have a feeling that the performance is not really optimal, but I certainly have a little dig around in various settings and try to get the whole box added really good.
bottom line: As soon as you will need to install a Windows Rechenrs tedious. No idea why so many people still believe that Linux is a complicated system. Experience of the last day: Linux was much easier to set up and is IMHO easier to use. You have to get used to, but so what? Admittedly not a perfect system and every now and then smears already something from - but not more often than win and there is free.
the perception that Windows is easier is probably the fact that people think because the shell is for the experts, everything is complicated. The truth is far more that the shell for those who like the system brings about benefits cucumber, but for the average consumer normally is hardly ever necessary. But nice she is beautiful, reminds me very heavily on Amiga days when there was also a super good GUI, it was like years ahead of Windows, and yet the shell will actually opened all the doors into the system. So I can certainly recommend it to anyone who is now considering where he quickly comes herbe a Windows 7 version for free, to take a look into the new Ubuntu. Free and can be run entirely from the CD without bending the system. And if you like ... Now ... uh install: D
If Linux is really still a weakness, it is that there are some tasks no adequate software. Lightroom is one example, but also training software - so I'm glad that Garmin Connect as a training log in the browser and is independent of the operating system, but is also missing a plugin for Linux. And there are countless examples where software is still missing. But then, what is there for the most part open source and is available for purchase software to the limit, is partially even much better.
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