Hello friends, according
Wikipedia indicates the WHO, worldwide, annually (!) One million people die of malaria, about half of them children under 5 years (!). 90% of the patients living on the African continent. 300.00. and 500,000 new cases per year are added.
What helps against infection? A net against mosquitoes! Worth because the pharmaceutical industry? No! Are we concerned? No! According to Unicef
died in 2006 sageundschreibe 9.7 million children before their fifth Birthday mostly from preventable or treatable diseases. Almost all in developing countries. Many suffer from diarrhea and thirst, although a solution for infusion ein paar Cent helfen würde.
Lest Ihr davon etwas in den Zeitungen? Seht Ihr davon etwas im Fernsehen? Regt sich darüber jemand auf?
Wir leben ja nicht in Afrika! Uns stechen ja keine gefährlichen Mücken!
Da haben wir aber ganz schön Schwein!
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