Saturday, April 18, 2009

Minnesota Fats Antique Pool Table

PirateBay verdict - only losers

This ruling is probably the worst thing that could happen here. And I speak but do not assume that apparently have not even seen many of the participants what it is really, for how else the prosecutor could have bunglers Sun I also will not say that the actions of the PirateBay people was correct, perhaps in legal wrangling, but in fact they made money by hosting links to law prohibited content.

It's more about that in the long term with this ruling, only losers are created. Firstly, the content industry will be big losers. Already, there are file-sharing options are totally anonymous (no idea whether the right, but I have heard several times). But this is the content industry can not win their war in the long term and look like a loser - at least in their own image, because I still believe that file sharing is not necessarily a negative impact on revenues of copyright holders must. It is a question how in this respect approach the thing with new Wegen lassen sich hier die Verluste wohl in Grenzen halten. Dass jene Industrien die sich auf Patente und Urheberrecht verlassen konnten in den vergangenen Jahren Gewinne deutlich über dem Durchschnitt erwirtschafteten dürfte damit zwar Geschichte sein, aber es müsste wohl keiner ums Überleben kämpfen. Ansätze hier wäre unter anderem Kulturflatrate (bestimmt noch zu überarbeiten) oder Unterstützung der CreativeCommons. Sicher bin ich mir jedenfalls, dass die Contentindustrie mehr verdienen könnte, wenn sie die Möglichkeiten des Filesharings selbst nutzt und in ihre Geschäftsmodelle einbaute.

Andererseits werden alle Bürger und speziell jene mit Internetzugang unter diesem Urteil leiden. Die Contentindustrie will believe that their way may eventually lead to victory and so advance the police state in increasingly outrageous lengths to try. The vast majority of politicians understand this problem is not (because they would have to understand they are as corrupt names).

This ruling was a golden opportunity missed copyright and distribution systems for content to think radically. Instead, the status quo was cemented in the long term to create a lose-lose situation. Sad.


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