after a busy Easter I do not miss to wish you all a blessed resurrection celebration.
adjacent cartoon I have in the current "stern" found. The artist has certainly meant it funny. But for me it expresses the sad fact that more and more people know less and less about the meaning of Easter and other Christian festivals.
Some time ago I was talking with a colleague about it that I've heard in a radio broadcast, as a reporter stood in front of a school and asked the students if they know what religion did the Pope. She still did, but on the question whether God because even Catholic, or whether he was Protestant, came the most remarkable answers. Thereupon, the colleague said to me: "Yes and what is he?" And my answer is that he was neither the one nor the other, and if anything, Jesus was indeed Jew, he said: "A Jew is a religion?" I have held for him the best, after all, is that as Thuringian postatheistischem in a country become great. But it has surprised me so.
If I then, however, see how the market is all sorts of randomness mixed with all the impossible, I wonder again nothing.
So denne
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