PirateBay verdict - only losers
This ruling is probably the worst thing that could happen here. And I speak but do not assume that apparently have not even seen many of the participants what it is really, for how else the prosecutor could have bunglers Sun I also will not say that the actions of the PirateBay people was correct, perhaps in legal wrangling, but in fact they made money by hosting links to law prohibited content.
It's more about that in the long term with this ruling, only losers are created. Firstly, the content industry will be big losers. Already, there are file-sharing options are totally anonymous (no idea whether the right, but I have heard several times). But this is the content industry can not win their war in the long term and look like a loser - at least in their own image, because I still believe that file sharing is not necessarily a negative impact on revenues of copyright holders must. It is a question how in this respect approach the thing with new Wegen lassen sich hier die Verluste wohl in Grenzen halten. Dass jene Industrien die sich auf Patente und Urheberrecht verlassen konnten in den vergangenen Jahren Gewinne deutlich über dem Durchschnitt erwirtschafteten dürfte damit zwar Geschichte sein, aber es müsste wohl keiner ums Überleben kämpfen. Ansätze hier wäre unter anderem Kulturflatrate (bestimmt noch zu überarbeiten) oder Unterstützung der CreativeCommons. Sicher bin ich mir jedenfalls, dass die Contentindustrie mehr verdienen könnte, wenn sie die Möglichkeiten des Filesharings selbst nutzt und in ihre Geschäftsmodelle einbaute.
Andererseits werden alle Bürger und speziell jene mit Internetzugang unter diesem Urteil leiden. Die Contentindustrie will believe that their way may eventually lead to victory and so advance the police state in increasingly outrageous lengths to try. The vast majority of politicians understand this problem is not (because they would have to understand they are as corrupt names).
This ruling was a golden opportunity missed copyright and distribution systems for content to think radically. Instead, the status quo was cemented in the long term to create a lose-lose situation. Sad.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What Type Of Ink Is Needed For Iron Ons
compromise offer of the teachers' union
Some time I really thought the concrete skull Group in the trade unions had already died. But apparently that was a fundamental error. If you look officials and teachers' union, the counter is quite clear that the concrete skull still wild are at work. How else are we to understand the "compromise proposal" to achieve the necessary economies of tenure for all teachers.
Fortunately, these types are exempted trade unionists and teachers no more, for such teachers would be for the next generation an absolute disaster. Can there really be people who believe a compromise would be to knock out even more privileges?
Perhaps it also creates a bit of math to teach someone this unrepentant. The savings by tenure (ie the saving of employer contributions) is only left Tasche, rechte Tasche. Die echten Kosten fallen ja durch die mit der Sozialversicherung verbundenen Leistungen an und nicht durch die Beiträge, diese dienen der Finanzierung. Würde man das für ein Privatunternehmen fordern, wäre der Vorschlag zwar genau so bescheuert, aber die Ersparnis wäre wenigstens wirklich in den Büchern des Unternehmens abzulesen (weil das Staatsbudget belastet würde). Aber in diesem Fall werden die Kosten einfach verschoben und langfristig deutlich ausgeweitet, da die Lebensverdienstsumme von Beamten deutlich über jener ASVG-Angestellter liegt. Wo wurde jetzt gespart? Kurzfristig bleiben die Kosten im besten Fall gleich (obwohl natürlich die Leistungen aus der Beamtenversicherung insgesamt höher sind than from the General Social Security Act, it also changes the deductible nothing), the medium and long term costs exploding, but more.
And if compares nor a trade unionist their understanding of supervision to that of a conductor in public transport, then I hope again that this lady never shows up in a classroom.
But the attitude of trade unionists in the issue of education reform was clear weeks ago when Riegler "to cause" occurred. No compromise because we are offended. Smith has probably acted very wisely, but basically it is right, and the longer the conflict the clearer who is where. What I
by a trade union erwartet hätte, wäre ein echter Kompromissvorschlag der zum Beispiel bessere Bedingungen in den Schulen gefordert hätte. Bessere Arbeitsbedingungen durch bessere räumliche Möglichkeiten und Unterstützung bei den nötigen Arbeitsmitteln, wie Computer und Internetzugang in den Schulen. Aber das wäre konstruktiv gewesen und hätte natürlich Engagement für eine zielgerichtete Lösung erfordert. Stattdessen fordert man nun alle Lehrer zu pragmatisieren. Möge die Vernunft siegen und die Lehrergewerkschaft unterliegen.
Some time I really thought the concrete skull Group in the trade unions had already died. But apparently that was a fundamental error. If you look officials and teachers' union, the counter is quite clear that the concrete skull still wild are at work. How else are we to understand the "compromise proposal" to achieve the necessary economies of tenure for all teachers.
Fortunately, these types are exempted trade unionists and teachers no more, for such teachers would be for the next generation an absolute disaster. Can there really be people who believe a compromise would be to knock out even more privileges?
Perhaps it also creates a bit of math to teach someone this unrepentant. The savings by tenure (ie the saving of employer contributions) is only left Tasche, rechte Tasche. Die echten Kosten fallen ja durch die mit der Sozialversicherung verbundenen Leistungen an und nicht durch die Beiträge, diese dienen der Finanzierung. Würde man das für ein Privatunternehmen fordern, wäre der Vorschlag zwar genau so bescheuert, aber die Ersparnis wäre wenigstens wirklich in den Büchern des Unternehmens abzulesen (weil das Staatsbudget belastet würde). Aber in diesem Fall werden die Kosten einfach verschoben und langfristig deutlich ausgeweitet, da die Lebensverdienstsumme von Beamten deutlich über jener ASVG-Angestellter liegt. Wo wurde jetzt gespart? Kurzfristig bleiben die Kosten im besten Fall gleich (obwohl natürlich die Leistungen aus der Beamtenversicherung insgesamt höher sind than from the General Social Security Act, it also changes the deductible nothing), the medium and long term costs exploding, but more.
And if compares nor a trade unionist their understanding of supervision to that of a conductor in public transport, then I hope again that this lady never shows up in a classroom.
But the attitude of trade unionists in the issue of education reform was clear weeks ago when Riegler "to cause" occurred. No compromise because we are offended. Smith has probably acted very wisely, but basically it is right, and the longer the conflict the clearer who is where. What I
by a trade union erwartet hätte, wäre ein echter Kompromissvorschlag der zum Beispiel bessere Bedingungen in den Schulen gefordert hätte. Bessere Arbeitsbedingungen durch bessere räumliche Möglichkeiten und Unterstützung bei den nötigen Arbeitsmitteln, wie Computer und Internetzugang in den Schulen. Aber das wäre konstruktiv gewesen und hätte natürlich Engagement für eine zielgerichtete Lösung erfordert. Stattdessen fordert man nun alle Lehrer zu pragmatisieren. Möge die Vernunft siegen und die Lehrergewerkschaft unterliegen.
Free Mods For Mount And Blade 1.011
Steve Berry - The Romanovprophezeiung
Außergewöhnlich, wenn auch nicht außergewöhnlich gut
leaves the political crisis in Russia, U.S. companies and Russian Mafyia work indirectly to install an autocrat, is to keep the people calm. The plan is to install the Tsar again the Russian people very right (though of course no one suspects a conspiracy in the background). The U.S. companies are represented by a U.S. law firm, with essentially only one mitmischte company representative at the game. The protagonist of the work, a black lawyer named Lord is drawn into the game because he threatens to uncover a trail that leads to the real successors of the Romanovs, the descendants of the Tsarevich.
Berry writes significant Part of the history and Russian policy in order to create the basis for his work. Nevertheless, he considers himself where there for the course of history is not harmful, to the knowledge Geschchtswissenschaft. He provides not only an exciting novel and a little knowledge, especially for those who feel inspired by the look up for what is truth and what is now the invention.
The novel is certainly not the most exciting adventure story, the narrative structure is not really noteworthy, and otherwise there is no outstanding features that deserve mention. And yet it has become a regular book. The conclusion is essentially predictable and there hardly surprising Applications. A thriller in between which also offers a little history lesson.
Thus seen not necessarily a recommendation, but nothing which would strongly advise against it. Readable, very good average. To

Außergewöhnlich, wenn auch nicht außergewöhnlich gut
leaves the political crisis in Russia, U.S. companies and Russian Mafyia work indirectly to install an autocrat, is to keep the people calm. The plan is to install the Tsar again the Russian people very right (though of course no one suspects a conspiracy in the background). The U.S. companies are represented by a U.S. law firm, with essentially only one mitmischte company representative at the game. The protagonist of the work, a black lawyer named Lord is drawn into the game because he threatens to uncover a trail that leads to the real successors of the Romanovs, the descendants of the Tsarevich.
Berry writes significant Part of the history and Russian policy in order to create the basis for his work. Nevertheless, he considers himself where there for the course of history is not harmful, to the knowledge Geschchtswissenschaft. He provides not only an exciting novel and a little knowledge, especially for those who feel inspired by the look up for what is truth and what is now the invention.
The novel is certainly not the most exciting adventure story, the narrative structure is not really noteworthy, and otherwise there is no outstanding features that deserve mention. And yet it has become a regular book. The conclusion is essentially predictable and there hardly surprising Applications. A thriller in between which also offers a little history lesson.
Thus seen not necessarily a recommendation, but nothing which would strongly advise against it. Readable, very good average. To
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thick Black Brazilians
Marcus Fischer - Ubuntu GNU/Linux
are inconsistent
The book provides a critical overview, but you realize that it is not of a piece. Originally written by several authors, it is now capable of a hand, but you realize that not all sections of the new regulations have been revised. One finds again and again repeats and you can feel the author loves the Console more than the GUI. Although this is but to understand the switching from Windows, it will not take the fear - and Linux has yet to be a system for geeks has always been the call.
course, a good reference, and especially nice that it as an open-book is available, but in print by € 40 I feel are the weaknesses as well mention.
more reviews at Amazon.de

are inconsistent
The book provides a critical overview, but you realize that it is not of a piece. Originally written by several authors, it is now capable of a hand, but you realize that not all sections of the new regulations have been revised. One finds again and again repeats and you can feel the author loves the Console more than the GUI. Although this is but to understand the switching from Windows, it will not take the fear - and Linux has yet to be a system for geeks has always been the call.
course, a good reference, and especially nice that it as an open-book is available, but in print by € 40 I feel are the weaknesses as well mention.
more reviews at Amazon.de
Sunday, April 12, 2009
How Old Is Tv Presenter Jim White?
Blessed Easter
Dear friends,
after a busy Easter I do not miss to wish you all a blessed resurrection celebration.
adjacent cartoon I have in the current "stern" found. The artist has certainly meant it funny. But for me it expresses the sad fact that more and more people know less and less about the meaning of Easter and other Christian festivals.
Some time ago I was talking with a colleague about it that I've heard in a radio broadcast, as a reporter stood in front of a school and asked the students if they know what religion did the Pope. She still did, but on the question whether God because even Catholic, or whether he was Protestant, came the most remarkable answers. Thereupon, the colleague said to me: "Yes and what is he?" And my answer is that he was neither the one nor the other, and if anything, Jesus was indeed Jew, he said: "A Jew is a religion?" I have held for him the best, after all, is that as Thuringian postatheistischem in a country become great. But it has surprised me so.
If I then, however, see how the market is all sorts of randomness mixed with all the impossible, I wonder again nothing.
So denne
your Det

after a busy Easter I do not miss to wish you all a blessed resurrection celebration.
adjacent cartoon I have in the current "stern" found. The artist has certainly meant it funny. But for me it expresses the sad fact that more and more people know less and less about the meaning of Easter and other Christian festivals.
Some time ago I was talking with a colleague about it that I've heard in a radio broadcast, as a reporter stood in front of a school and asked the students if they know what religion did the Pope. She still did, but on the question whether God because even Catholic, or whether he was Protestant, came the most remarkable answers. Thereupon, the colleague said to me: "Yes and what is he?" And my answer is that he was neither the one nor the other, and if anything, Jesus was indeed Jew, he said: "A Jew is a religion?" I have held for him the best, after all, is that as Thuringian postatheistischem in a country become great. But it has surprised me so.
If I then, however, see how the market is all sorts of randomness mixed with all the impossible, I wonder again nothing.
So denne
your Det
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Is Losing 13 Lbs In A Month
Dear friends, today I must go
my admiration for the Catholic Church in Austria to express.
That I work in a Catholic religious hospital and am excited about, you know, yes. The fact that I was there in a Catholic Bible study group (the local Lutherans get anything off the ground) and I am deeply respect the people there, I have already informed.
Now playing in the Vorosterzeit a poster campaign, which reminds me of old times Jesus People.
clear message of Jesus, presented very striking. Very nice.
And what was not possible before, is now also possible: it will print the poster on A3-size and hang it on the station as a contrast to bunches with Easter eggs. And no power away because it might have been suspended by the hospital management. :-) I never could do missionary work as freely as in a hospital where I had to start in the employment contract to sign a ban on mission. But the misunderstanding is on my application process has already happened several times. It has meant that they wanted for their Kirche oder Gemeinde missionieren, dabei geht es mir allein um den dreieinigen Gott, den wir sowieso gemeinsam haben.
Aber auch in Deutschland tut sich ja etwas. Als Antwort auf die
Aktionen britischer und spanischer Freigeister, die Buswerbung geordert haben, in der mitgeteilt wird, dass es wahrscheinlich keinen Gott gäbe, bringt eine Aktion in Dortmund unsere Antwort an die Öffis. Und das läuft auch wieder mal von der katholischen Kirche! Es tut sich was - auch ein Grund zur Freude. Die Basis ist sich wahrscheinlich einiger als die Obrigkeit oder als die Obrigkeit es wahrhaben will. Aber ich glaube das ist auch nichts Neues unter der Sonne.
Falls ich vor Ostern nicht mehr dazu komme hier etwas aktuelles einzutragen, wünsche ich euch schon jetzt ein gesegnetes Osterfest.
Euer Det
Dear friends, today I must go
my admiration for the Catholic Church in Austria to express.
That I work in a Catholic religious hospital and am excited about, you know, yes. The fact that I was there in a Catholic Bible study group (the local Lutherans get anything off the ground) and I am deeply respect the people there, I have already informed.

Now playing in the Vorosterzeit a poster campaign, which reminds me of old times Jesus People.
clear message of Jesus, presented very striking. Very nice.
And what was not possible before, is now also possible: it will print the poster on A3-size and hang it on the station as a contrast to bunches with Easter eggs. And no power away because it might have been suspended by the hospital management. :-) I never could do missionary work as freely as in a hospital where I had to start in the employment contract to sign a ban on mission. But the misunderstanding is on my application process has already happened several times. It has meant that they wanted for their Kirche oder Gemeinde missionieren, dabei geht es mir allein um den dreieinigen Gott, den wir sowieso gemeinsam haben.
Aber auch in Deutschland tut sich ja etwas. Als Antwort auf die

Falls ich vor Ostern nicht mehr dazu komme hier etwas aktuelles einzutragen, wünsche ich euch schon jetzt ein gesegnetes Osterfest.
Euer Det
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