story well told
This book from the series Arena Library of Knowledge - Living History some aspects of the Renaissance, the transformation of the Middle Ages to modern times treated . This takes Harald Parigger out the perhaps most prominent businessman of German-speaking Jakob Fugger .
Auf diese Art schafft es Parigger sehr gut Geschichte lebhaft und eindringlich zu erzählen. Das Buch lässt einfach keine Längen zu, wie es mancher vielleicht von einem Sachbuch über Geschichte vermuten würde. Andererseits muss man ganz klar auch den Umfang verstehen um seine Kaufentscheidung treffen zu können. Das Buch vermittelt Basiswissen aber nicht mehr. Gerade jener Teil den man als Mindeststandard der Allgemeinbildung ansehen kann wird vom Autor aufgegriffen. Nimmt man die entsprechenden Wikipedia-Artikel ( Jakob Fugger , Renaissance , Frühkapitalismus , Martin Luther, etc. ) ago, so there is already much more information available.
But who now, instead of the dry facts of a dictionary to a rather simple representation and does not claim to have found a comprehensive description of historical facts in this case is repealed determined well. Even if the series is designed for young people and can be well used really well as a book in addition to the curriculum, we can confidently say that it is looking for all those who have an easy introduction to the subject suitable.
The book is what it is. There is no detailed discussion of the developments of the Renaissance, simply did not have too much Background information that is shown partially simplified. It is also not a historical novel by the brilliant narrative style will invite to read. It is simply a book that is aimed at the reader who wants to be informed in brief of the essential facts of the time. This is the declared aim of this series and has achieved this objective, the book excellent. If one can blame the book a mistake, probably just that the subtitle is badly chosen, because the report about the development of early capitalism is but one of many topics touched briefly.
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