Danke ÖBB-Management
is surely an unbelievable chutzpah to the ÖBB management now delivers. With terrible lies Now commuters are being punished for that one has lost in the large yaw the view of the what the web is actually created.
Since you have the wildest speculation (cf. the standard article of today ) and only three days, one has complained of the same area, they must raise prices in order to have money for investment (from the online press 18.3. ). Yes, the web is so poor because the economic crisis it would cost millions, if suddenly 10% less people drive train (IIRC was called that number yesterday in the radio news).
Had the men not like € 750 million (average of the sum mentioned by Haberzettl) speculation, then could you look at the fare increase will not only save, but even retroactively pay back even a little. Instead they now want to have like 7-8% increase to believe "only" get to 3-5%.
If everything does not deceive me, the 2007 last train to increase prices and that strong to ten percent. And it's not so long ago that within six months, two times the prices were increased - only because it is not the car could go fast enough with the price increase and then had to go along you with Wiener Linien, otherwise the Ticket prices would have been so complicated (which they previously were always).
The current chancellor follows in the footsteps of his predecessor. In the election campaign promised to increase the railway in 2009 to ward off and hardly is the year 2009 dawned, the promise has been broken.
How about if that part of the Austrian Railways have speculated, to be paid by those Manger would be responsible for ensuring (that is certainly true of the entire Board and the Supervisory Board, that this is a lot of potential for savings)? The full extent of their failure to fork out they did not, but it would at least show that we are concerned with consequences for Inkopetenz. Of course this would not be the Austrian way, the fact is we packeln with all the stupid voters and moves on and attracts no consequences anyway.
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