Friday, March 27, 2009
Mini Fridge In Cabinet
not know where I've heard that the first time, but it always strikes me again when I'm hired somewhere in the supermarket. For my taste, yes it should be called "You always join the slowest queue but then it was just longest and since I wanted to amend the title, but at Originial remain. Source loyalty is called the well, something that is supposedly quite striking moves by Gio Hahn thesis, although it has not marked as a quotation.
But back to the topic. The occasion was today again at the Billa Praterstern. When I get to the box office as three funds are open. In the first, twelve people, eight in the second and the third five. Hard to decide on the spot with five being the slowest cashier that I avoid because they usually take longer by half than the others. But in five to eight, especially where there are at the box office with eight people two Einkaufswagerl it. Well, riskier I's slower at the cashier.
Lo and behold, who now works also pretty neat. OK, the client has only two articles. But they paid by debit card and that seeeehhhhr slowly. Over there are only two paid while the aunt by the cashier. World class, but there are only four more people there and there he is so special about what he is doing now? He reaches into the purse and takes out a broken customer card. He wants to seriously think that the cashier holds the card so that its purchase is stored in the large database. Well now the pleasure for the scanner to scan a barcode is having in the middle of a crack.
After only six attempts, surprisingly worked. These things are better than I had believed. But what is he doing now? Pays the purchase of coins. OK I am doing, but pays with cash. Since copper is now more than any other coins. So slowly counted down and already moves on to the next. That in addition to cash by now, the first was waved through Wagerl I need to mention here, so now not extra, right?
But surprise this customer is really fast. Two articles scanned, paid, and that was it already. Go anyway. And then moves on to the next customer. Cool ... uh hello do not discuss much so with the cashier. Oh cool, and now also pay with the debit card. I am in favor of re-line fees introduce in the account management fees. Such a stupid bad habit even the smallest amount to be paid with the card. When using the quick chip would at least, that would be just as fast as cash - but on the debit function ...
Well done but, now it's already on to the next. No discussion - very good. And already, the two items are scanned. Man charged number, finally. Oh now he rummages in a backpack and finds the purse. How surprising that you have to pay at the checkout. Maybe he learns at some point that he could already dressing. Well, finally, at last, he then digs out the wallet and paid with cash of course. Well the other Funds have already done all the people away, behind which I had to hire me. But never mind. I knew it anyway before: You always join the slowest queue.
PS: The last time Grandpa was not without. Gives the bag a very comfortable before he gets the idea that he could pay. It shall certainly ensure that its products are allowed before the next customer to be pulled through the scanner. But of process optimization, he is far away. But it might be assumed that he did not spend as much time to waste to an extent.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Inside Of Nose Bleeding Scab
is surely an unbelievable chutzpah to the ÖBB management now delivers. With terrible lies Now commuters are being punished for that one has lost in the large yaw the view of the what the web is actually created.
Since you have the wildest speculation (cf. the standard article of today ) and only three days, one has complained of the same area, they must raise prices in order to have money for investment (from the online press 18.3. ). Yes, the web is so poor because the economic crisis it would cost millions, if suddenly 10% less people drive train (IIRC was called that number yesterday in the radio news).
Had the men not like € 750 million (average of the sum mentioned by Haberzettl) speculation, then could you look at the fare increase will not only save, but even retroactively pay back even a little. Instead they now want to have like 7-8% increase to believe "only" get to 3-5%.
If everything does not deceive me, the 2007 last train to increase prices and that strong to ten percent. And it's not so long ago that within six months, two times the prices were increased - only because it is not the car could go fast enough with the price increase and then had to go along you with Wiener Linien, otherwise the Ticket prices would have been so complicated (which they previously were always).
The current chancellor follows in the footsteps of his predecessor. In the election campaign promised to increase the railway in 2009 to ward off and hardly is the year 2009 dawned, the promise has been broken.
How about if that part of the Austrian Railways have speculated, to be paid by those Manger would be responsible for ensuring (that is certainly true of the entire Board and the Supervisory Board, that this is a lot of potential for savings)? The full extent of their failure to fork out they did not, but it would at least show that we are concerned with consequences for Inkopetenz. Of course this would not be the Austrian way, the fact is we packeln with all the stupid voters and moves on and attracts no consequences anyway.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Play Structures Blue Prints
commit right then this year we are probably a white spring - as if it had not snowed enough.
Worse than that is how some drivers are insane. On the way to the station I come to a car (such a small bus, as it may be driven just by the B-form) over. I still think: "What is interesting, who wants to start the car for him then to turn away when the engine is running - not very environmentally friendly." But once I'm gone will pass the 50m already in me. Roof turned away do not know which one OK. Rear windows completely, known also by some. Front wheels - not even paved - so to be precise a view of perhaps Luke was cleared 10x10 cm. Clearly there you see nothing, so is the aunt after 50 m, are driving down the window and wipe down the snow with a handle (in exactly the part that is never cleaned by wipers because it is irrelevant to the point of view). So of course, still sees nothing. Another 100 meters, again the same show.
How irresponsible can you get? This stupid bumpkin (and this designation is still the most flattering I can think of) but has no chance of a child's right to the road going to see. Remove driver's license is certainly too little. When someone violates the values you have to have as Eventualvorsatz.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Seriennummer Burton Board

story well told
This book from the series Arena Library of Knowledge - Living History some aspects of the Renaissance, the transformation of the Middle Ages to modern times treated . This takes Harald Parigger out the perhaps most prominent businessman of German-speaking Jakob Fugger .
Auf diese Art schafft es Parigger sehr gut Geschichte lebhaft und eindringlich zu erzählen. Das Buch lässt einfach keine Längen zu, wie es mancher vielleicht von einem Sachbuch über Geschichte vermuten würde. Andererseits muss man ganz klar auch den Umfang verstehen um seine Kaufentscheidung treffen zu können. Das Buch vermittelt Basiswissen aber nicht mehr. Gerade jener Teil den man als Mindeststandard der Allgemeinbildung ansehen kann wird vom Autor aufgegriffen. Nimmt man die entsprechenden Wikipedia-Artikel ( Jakob Fugger , Renaissance , Frühkapitalismus , Martin Luther, etc. ) ago, so there is already much more information available.
But who now, instead of the dry facts of a dictionary to a rather simple representation and does not claim to have found a comprehensive description of historical facts in this case is repealed determined well. Even if the series is designed for young people and can be well used really well as a book in addition to the curriculum, we can confidently say that it is looking for all those who have an easy introduction to the subject suitable.
The book is what it is. There is no detailed discussion of the developments of the Renaissance, simply did not have too much Background information that is shown partially simplified. It is also not a historical novel by the brilliant narrative style will invite to read. It is simply a book that is aimed at the reader who wants to be informed in brief of the essential facts of the time. This is the declared aim of this series and has achieved this objective, the book excellent. If one can blame the book a mistake, probably just that the subtitle is badly chosen, because the report about the development of early capitalism is but one of many topics touched briefly.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Cruising Spot Paris Airport
The Future Zone reported under the Title criticized Schäuble Federal Constitutional Court that the German Federal Interior Minister rails against the Constitutional Court, because this indicates that he constantly expands his plans to restrict the fundamental rights and that this was unconstitutional.
called on the German well now nothing more than that he has finally lost touch with reality. As much as I believe that in Germany are mostly really capable people into politics - in contrast to Austria, where skilled people have no chance in politics - so much I think you have used with a mentally ill person Schäuble who tries to overthrow the democracy and Deutschland in eine Richtung zu bringen, von der die DDR-Führung geträumt hat.
Man muss sich das mal ganz genau vor Augen halte, was dieser Mensch hier sagt. Er meint ernsthaft es sei nicht Aufgabe darüber zu wachen, ob sich die Legislative an die Grundrechte hält. Was bitte schön sonst ist die Aufgabe eines Verfassungsgerichtshofes? Aber freilich im Kopf eines Paranoiden der die Gewaltentrennung als eines der Fundamente der Demokratie nicht anerkennen möchte, sieht das bestimmt anders aus. Da wäre ihm wohl lieber, er würde den Gerichten sagen wie sie zu handeln haben. Also alle Macht in einer Hand vereinen, so sehen die Phantasien von kranken Diktatoren aus, aber nicht jene von echten Demokraten.
Mich surprising that the otherwise intelligent Chancellor still holds in this man as a politician. has passed for a country that has twice through such trauma, it should be the prime duty, is embodied by those policy objectives which Schäuble away.
Monday, March 2, 2009
New Touch Screen Sidekick
edited interview with the Salzburger Judge Franz Schmidbauer (at the same time, operators of internet4jurists) in connection with all the essential content industry and Internet together. The article can and should in the future zone the ORF to be read.
He shows, among other things, that the efforts of the (fundamental) to abolish rights is part of the strategy of the copyright industry is. He is getting to the point that have the venal purchase one recognize added value can be (and not as a price reduction because copy protection, copyright notice at the beginning of a DVD, etc)
An important document has been preserved for all to a little more critical spirit.