Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Fancy Feast Ingredience
I wish all relatives, friends and acquaintances a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Pokemon Roms Sources Ipod Touch
Hello, dear friends,
by month over a transmission break again a record. I just held back, because I have noticed that the computer is stolen or has specifically the Internet too much time. Will therefore now occur in the coming Advent fasting period slightly shorter and try my artistic side again let anything come into play.

Haider has indeed now getilt itself. The conspiracy abate gradually. The circumstances and statements after his death and the funeral services were already sometimes embarrassing and almost went to the veneration of saints. This will have two comedians forced seen the show to satirize in their and were given prompt with death threats. Otherwise it is
comment anything further on this choice. Except that I think that the outcome was evaluated in the German media wrong and arrogant. I think that the Austrian democracy is alive than by the political correctness paralyzed German democracy. A blog entry at oe24 the death of Jörg Haider: "He was an anti-democrat, but he will miss our democratic system." Whether you are neo-Nazis in the parliament here is interpretation. The fact is that Stalinists are sitting in the German parliament.
Since Saturday we here know, but in U.S. it is indeed snowing

Viele Grüße
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A Bargain In The Gorean Slave Market
Eigentlich wollte ich an dieser Stelle das Ergebnis der österreichischen Nationalratswahl kommentiern. Irgendwie ist es jetzt anders. Mir war er sehr suspekt. Aber sein Tod hat auch mich betroffen. Deshalb vorerst hier nur ein Artikel aus der online-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift ÖSTERREICH :
Joerg Haider is dead
crashed with 135 km / h in the death
Klagenfurt / Vienna, 11 October 2008
Drama in Austria: The BZÖ boss is in the night on Saturday in a traffic accident died.
Joerg Haider has no chance as his car, a VW Phaeton equipped with twelve air bags, into the night Saturday skidding, overturning several times and crashed into a concrete pillar. The 58-year exemption politician dies only minutes later, leaving behind a country in shock.
The accident
It was a long, tiring of Carinthia holiday when Haider on Saturday night against the clock 1.18 Loiblpass federal road races. Haider is on its way from a party in the restaurant Le Cabaret in Velden home, where he died on the 90th weekend will celebrate birthday of his mother Dorothy.
The celebration of the flash-Revue in Velden was omitted, and actually had his coming there, Haider also called off already. Because he was tired, had worked in the afternoon being interviewed by a newspaper tired. But shortly after 21 Uhr taucht Haider quasi als Überraschungsgast des Abends in Velden auf. (lesen Sie hier mehr dazu)
(c) APA
Ohne Fahrer
Um 0.30 Uhr verlässt er das Lokal – wie immer hat er nichts getrunken, nur an einem Glas Sekt genippt. Noch ist sein Chauffeur am Steuer. Doch Haider setzt seinen Fahrer in Klagenfurt ab – nimmt einen langen Umweg in Kauf, um alleine heim zu fahren.
Haider hasst diese Straße, denn vor 15 Jahren hatte er hier einen schweren Unfall: Im August 1993 war er im Gemeindegebiet von Maria Rain nur narrowly escaped disaster: his white BMW was then moved away from the road and flew ten feet over an embankment. At that time, Haider remained unhurt.
In the night on Saturday, he travels in the opposite direction. His driver Friedrich Schager, which he sent home, emphasized to AUSTRIA: "Jörg is always happy even gone home. He has often given me so freely. Afterwards we saw plucked their hair out. "Because just before the village in the south of Klagenfurt Lambichl Haider goes to excess speeds of 135 km / h, as one expert estimates, the wet road. Then the crash:
Vor einer Kurve überholt Jörg Haider einen langsameren Wagen – von da an hat er keine Chance mehr, verliert die Herrschaft über das Auto:
· Der Phaeton gerät ins Schleudern, kommt rechts von der Straße ab, schlittert eine Böschung entlang.
· Der Wagen hebt ab wie eine Rakete und rasiert ein 50 km/h-Schild und einen Wegweiser weg.
· Daraufhin schießt das Auto rund 150 Meter weiter ungebremst auf dem Grünstreifen dahin. Mit der rechten Autoseite mäht er unzählige Thujenbüsche um, die daraufhin fallen wie Grashalme.
· Dann das Schlimmste: Haiders Wagen knallt auf einen Betonpfeiler, prallt davon ab, überschlägt sich mehrfach und landet mit einem riesigen Knall wieder auf der Straße.
Die Trümmerteile des Wagens liegen über 150 Meter auf der gesamten Straße verstreut. Das Dach des Wagens ist völlig zertrümmert, die Fahrertüre wurde davongeschleudert.
Der Hilferuf
Die Frau, die Haider nur Sekunden zuvor mit seinem Wagen überholt hat, bleibt geschockt stehen. Nichts bewegt sich mehr in dem Unfallauto. Verzweifelt ruft die Frau den Notarzt. Sie weiß in dem Moment noch nicht, wer in dem völlig zertrümmerten Auto vor ihr in diesen Sekunden mit dem Tod ringt.
Ärztin ohne Chance
Binnen Minuten trifft die Polizei ein. Und gleich darauf kommt die Klagenfurter Ärztin Andrea Oher zur Unfallstelle. Oher berichtet gegenüber ÖSTERREICH: „Ich wurde von einem Polizeibeamten zur Unfallstelle gelotst. Er hat mir zugeflüstert: , Caution, since the governor is the inside, he's not good. "Oher recognizes Haider immediately, although he strongly influenced by the horror accident is bleeding, his left arm nearly cut off. "Everything looked really bad, I tried my best," says the doctor.
But all rescue attempts are useless, too heavy, the head and chest injuries suffered by the politicians - even though he was strapped. "Furthermore, the spine should have been broken," the medical director of the LHK Klagenfurt, Thomas Koperna. The exact cause of death will settle an autopsy in Graz. While there shortly after the accident still a "spark of a chance to save his life," as Koperna says, however: Jörg Haider dies on the way to LKH Klagenfurt.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Bad Moods Taking Livial
greet you,
am after a trip to daughter and her family in England and a brief stay in Germany, returned in the Pongau back. Some of you I've taken . was nice to chat again.

Here landed the weather was cloudy the first place. The clouds hung low and the snow was in cloud height on the mountains. Today was a beautiful sonniger Tag, aber auf den Bergspitzen ist unverkennbar, dass der Winter Einzug hält.
In der letzten Zeit hatte ich ja wenig geschrieben und da sind mir einige Gedenktage vorüber gegangen, an die ich im Nachhinein nun doch noch erinnern möchte. Wer mag, kann die Videos dazu anklicken.
Am 12. September war ich mit unserer Abteilung zu einem Seminar über Systemische Therapie in Michaelbeuern . Und eben an diesem Tag war der 5. Todestag vom legendären Johnny Cash . Habe gestern in Salzburg eine CD mit DVD von ihm gekauft und die DVD mir vorhin angeschaut. Kennt ihr das Gefühl, jemanden so gut zu kennen, als ob er zur Familie gehört? Habe vor einiger Zeit mein Lieblingsvideo put him into the net - very moving.
A day later, I was still in Michaelbeuern had my football club 75th anniversary. Three years ago, newly established and already a three-quarters of a century old. This goes off well.
Well, and then on Friday was the 3rd October. The 18th Anniversary of the reunification. Here is a nice matching video. Although it refers to the 2006 World Cup, but due it is said in one line: black, red is Gold our country.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
What Is A Really Strong Bridge
Dear friends, that also knows your
- You speak and no one understands you? My concern here constantly Sun In particular, small children who do not go to school. No chance! However, on both sides. And old people, for example, geriatric patients. I speak High German, they do not understand me. I try to speak the local dialect, they understand me not - and the guys laugh break when they hear it.
Then recently a new frustration. One patient, from birth Frenchman, married to an Austrian and the last 10 years living in Austria - he understands all the local colleagues, but - you guessed it? - Not me!
The summit came today: The day hospital patients start to a trip from the kitchen and Angertal We got packed snack instead of lunch Sackerl. As we had planned eight people, but only five were, we of course had something on. While hiking we will meet a married couple with a dog. The dog wants to go to us, but the mistress is command that he should go further. As I say to her: "Let him calm, we have a snack Sackerl over!" In reply, the woman: "I know nothing!"
Now I understand not even the Germans !I gave it then translates: "We still have a sandwich bag over!"
Where will it all end?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Safe And Effective Eye Cream
Hello, dear friends,
reported not long, but now it irritates me again.
the good old (poor) is Germany today, the "Care Summit". All the smart people in politics, business and of course the health of my beloved will meet to discuss the state of emergency care or care (or is it the emergency of the population?) To speak. All the wonder that is missing on the same time nurses!
Yikes - where s going?
Yes, where s run for?
An interesting contribution was seen this morning in the ZDF morning show . On sharpest for me was the comment from one fund representatives, who said again freed, nurses did not even miss. Care takes place only in other places.
plane - and that is the problem of Germany.
Greetings from the care location Austria. There
your Det
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Dear friends,
last 2 days it again in Europe war . As a confirmed pacifist
me very touched. As in the '90s, when the Federal Republic of Germany to Innocence laughed ear and a red-green government together with NATO launched a war of aggression. At that time there was a radio station in Germany (now sadly commercialized) in which the news during the war, each with the slogan: "War is shit" ended. Had I only wish that every time and "Give Peace A Chance!" would be played by John Lennon.
fact I had to think, as I wandered through my peaceful today Pongau and chanterelle mushrooms (chanterelle) was looking for. In my thoughts I have about Russia and especially angry about Mr. Putin, the drive in with a disproportionate impact on the small Georgia. On the other Seite hat Georgien allerdings angefangen mit der Kacke. Unangenehm ist es für mich auch, wenn im TV der georgische Präsident vor einer Europaflagge gezeigt wird.
Ein interessanter Aspekt wurde dann heute Abend in der Predigt im Gottesdienst beleuchtet. Wenn ein kleines Volk, das eine eigene Sprache und eine eigene Kultur hat, unbedingt selbständig sein will, warum hat dann ein Land nicht die Größe, ihnen die Unabhängigkeit zu lassen? (Jetzt kommt mir nicht mit Bayern! Der Vergleich hinkt!)
Der Pfarrer gab dann noch ein Beispiel an San Marino. In Wikipedia steht es zwar anders, aber ich gebe trotzdem mal die Version vom Pfarrer wieder, weil sie so schön in mein Weltbild passt. Er sagte, dass founded in San Marino during a persecution of Christians was, who wanted to defend on the basis of their faith, and who therefore had no army. If occupiers came, they could occupy themselves halt. When Napoleon occupied San Marino, he would give them 40 cannon in recognition that San Marino is the oldest republic in the world. This was rejected for lack of use thanks possibility.
As mentioned, the wiki it is different. That's for me but the fascination is not less that it is time to let his power games. This applies to states and governors and for us! I decided to try to exercise any power over others - whether it is possible?
Passender Weise muss ich da mal wieder meine Volxbibel zitieren:
"Ein mieser Chef herrscht über seine Angestellten wie ein Tyrann, und die Abteilungsleiter können zusammenscheißen, wen sie wollen. Aber genau so soll es bei euch auf keinen Fall abgehen! Wer der Chef sein will, der sollte wie die Putzfrau sein, und wer ganz vorne stehen will, soll sich ganz hinten anstellen. Auch der Menschensohn ist nicht hier, um den Lauten zu machen." Matthäus 20, 25-28
Zum Abschluss noch ein ergreifendes Video von Bob Dylan. Mein Englisch reicht nicht aus, um den Text zu verstehen, aber die Bilder sprechen für sich.
Krieg ist Kacke!
Monday, June 23, 2008
How To Treat A Cow For Lice
Hallo Freunde,
noch heller will ich das Gelb nicht machen, sonst könnt Ihr meinen Eintrag nicht mehr lesen. Aber was hier zur Zeit an Sonnenschein abgeht ist schon stark. Gestern sind hier so um die 34 Grad gewesen. Dann ist noch meine liebe Frau Gemahlin hier - Sommer pur.

Am Freitag waren wir in Salzburg und haben in der schönsten Fanzone Österreichs Rubberfresh , eine meiner bevorzugten Localgroups, bei einem Auftritt zugehört. Nach dem

Musste also heute erst mal zum Zahnarzt. Habe zwei große Komplimente vom Zahnarzt bekommen. Zum einen hat er sich positiv über den guten Zustand meiner Zähne geäußert (letzter Zahnarztbesuch 2001) und dann sagte er noch, dass man bei den Zahnlücken was machen könnte. Darauf hin sagte ich, dass das schon seit 30 Jahren gut geht. Darauf hin meinte er: "Ach, haben sie die Zähne als Kind ? Lost ":-))
So, and now it's time to hit the pasture will get back probably not soon
also wishes you a great holiday
Det. PS: And Wednesday then goes well at home, the German team
Sunday, June 8, 2008
I Like Touching My Students Blog
Hello, dear friends,
well - ok -.. Austria has lost the first game, but there are still some way to the final :-)
Think of Cordoba 1978 consumed Since this country today, by -. like Germany from 1954
Good - Germany is still a couple of times then the world champion become. But the football history is already written to the end? No! Those who believe because even on statistics! Now that
since Monday on my terrace a European flag flies and the car since Friday, both red and white red-flagged as well as black, red and gold, I am yesterday (Saturday) to Salzburg at the season-ending and thus the To celebrate championship title "my" club . Anyone who knows me knows that I have nothing against celebrations in principle, but a championship celebration of football fans is a bit of getting used to. At least I
run at the music never leave again. There are songs that I am some time ago fled up and away. But if one is the club can one lot. behind her ears were deaf as well as before. When I was home, I had to first look into the bathtub. Not only that but I was a little sweaty, no - a fan was kind enough to throw a pint of beer in the air, where it landed on a good portion of my hair. Is supposed to be good - for the hair. Anyway, I was the alcohol level (not mine) 22 driven briefly clock home. Eventually holds the Det actually no longer sufficient.
Up denne
Olé - Olé - Ole - Ole
Euer It