Hello, dear friends,
by month over a transmission break again a record. I just held back, because I have noticed that the computer is stolen or has specifically the Internet too much time. Will therefore now occur in the coming Advent fasting period slightly shorter and try my artistic side again let anything come into play.

Haider has indeed now getilt itself. The conspiracy abate gradually. The circumstances and statements after his death and the funeral services were already sometimes embarrassing and almost went to the veneration of saints. This will have two comedians forced seen the show to satirize in their and were given prompt with death threats. Otherwise it is
comment anything further on this choice. Except that I think that the outcome was evaluated in the German media wrong and arrogant. I think that the Austrian democracy is alive than by the political correctness paralyzed German democracy. A blog entry at oe24 the death of Jörg Haider: "He was an anti-democrat, but he will miss our democratic system." Whether you are neo-Nazis in the parliament here is interpretation. The fact is that Stalinists are sitting in the German parliament.
Since Saturday we here know, but in U.S. it is indeed snowing

Viele Grüße
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