Monday, June 28, 2010

My Elevated Hemoglobin 199 Causes

statements from the past

Here is my report on the food in the Rhine-Ruhr center Arpard Dobriban "statements from the past". A much more detailed illustrated report Peter Kraus, head in his blog . I limit myself to a few technical details that are not on the blog of Peter came to language.

first Schnapps, Speierling Schnapps, Hungary you begin the meal with a brandy
second Ham and pickles with Bolten's beer country, Entre successful, hearty cleared, the thirst
third Gestummte Klees with quince compote, a specialty from Pechar, Hungary. Fried Dumplings in small fried. The quince compote was sour, slightly sweet and perfect fit.
4th Angada abur, a sour soup with small noodles filled as deposits, unique taste, the specialty of Transylvania.
5th Stuffed cabbage, with lots of herbs, tomatoes. A long cooking time, the court is warming up, almost no carbon taste.
6th Huddel with pear, main course: cooked, smoked, bacon on it a yeast dumpling with pears
7th Cooked chard leaves with bread crumbs and lemon, this dish is the simple cooking vegetables, which usually is just garnish.
8th Buns, steamed dumplings filled with plum jam, baked in the oven, served warm with vanilla sauce.

The individual courses were prepared in a large mobile kitchen that can be played with 6 chefs is to include dishes, cooling and dishwasher, everything you need to host up to 80 guests.

Arpad Dobriban of culinary artists from Hungary, accompanied the meal with appropriate comments. For him, the main raw materials the kitchen, milk, eggs and flour. These ingredients are present in almost all world cultures. Therefore, they are processed into an infinite number of dishes. Vegetables, fruit and meat to connect back here, but make up in addition to the high-kitchens and will be seen as a simple soup kitchen Festagsessen.

Dobriban has tracked the cuisine served in his various interviews with the informant nachgekocht to achieve a very authentic taste. I had to completely new taste experiences that have broadened my horizons considerably taste.

were completely new to me, the soup Angada abur. This soup is made from a self-made "Soup cubes" were prepared. The preparation as follows: Milk is more than three weeks down sour, agitated daily, it develops strong lactic acid, this cheese is made up in equal parts 1-1 chopped herbs such as celery leaves, parsley, lovage and Others. Then strongly boiled and dried in piles on a plate. These cones are durable and are in use, dissolved in broth and cream rounded. The sour taste is back and is not reinforced by vinegar.

In the filled cabbage completely lacked the usually pungent cabbage taste. This is achieved by repeated heating and the tasting with herbs and spices. This cooking method is with us come completely out of fashion, because the vitamins are so destroyed. The long cooking time, new flavors, which in our usual fast food not only can be formed.

The stew "Huddel to oranges and yeast dumpling is really only in a large pot cooking. The smoked bacon, of course, has a long cooking time and can be pre-cooked very well the day before. The dough is prepared separately and placed together with the pears before serving as a lump on the meat. In the steam the dumpling cooked and can then be put together with the large pot on the table. The food is in Urform.

Es könnte eine interessanten Aufgabe von Slow Food sein, eine solche Museumsküche mit ihren alten/neuen Geschmacksvarianten wieder zu beleben.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Buck Stove Fan Wiring Diagram

RUHR.2010 Emscher Island WWTP old Herne

Als einziger Besucher am Samstag um 11:30 hatte ich Gelegenheit, mir den neuen Magneten der Emscherinsel anzusehen. Der ursprüngliche ca. 20 m hohe Faulbehälter, der vor Jahren stillgelegten Herner Kläranlage, wurde entkernt. In ihm wurde ein Gerüst mit einer Plattform im oberen Bereich geschaffen. Hier findet eine Kinofilmvorführung eines eigens für die Ausstellung geschaffenen Films auf vier Leinwänden statt. Der technische Effort and the implementation is excellent. The film is divided into four levels so that emerge parallel processes, showing the scenes from different angles. The sound fits in part to several scenes, is often repeated like an echo. Technically, I liked the movie excellent.

The content, however, was trivial. He put the daily life of a family of grandfather, parents and two teenage siblings, based on common meals, there were conflicts dar., speechlessness, dispute and affection shown. I would have liked a bit surreal, in conjunction with the sophisticated projection technology.

The mosaics on the outside of the container remind me of Chinese Socialist or public art. It is the 19th fight of the miners since the Century glorified for social justice. I assumed this issue was overcome and a thing of the past. It probably belongs to RUHR.2010 warm, old chestnuts, lack of attractive future topics for the pot.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mucle Milk Stunt Growth?

Arpard Dobriban sunken pit flavors

on Tuesday I had a conversation with Arpad Dobriban, a Düsseldorf artist, born in Hungary. Dobrian deals with, among other things taste experiences and tried to keep the taste memories of the pre-industrial kitchen through various projects and events monitored.

A series of events such in 2007 he has performed on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the city of Mannheim. A similar project he has in RUHR.2010 for work. He conducts interviews with senior citizens, to lift the taste memories from the past. Saying so we too many hours on this subject.

We moved the question, how has changed the home kitchen, which of course has the taste impact. The following points are noticed us

- The time required for cooking has declined rapidly

- This is one time for the preparations, as well as for the cooking times even

- Today is cooked well, short wants As part of the emancipation no longer the woman behind the stove - cooking, low fat and other calorie sources

- The rejection of "bourgeois" kitchen

- Preferably, the Mediterranean and Asian cuisine, or what the Central Europeans it holds

are - this is again in front of all the young and modern Turkish women to determine who want to do, unlike their mothers to do more with cooking.

- The confirmed by a survey of LVWL in London: What to cook the Westphalia?

- In only 20% of households is generally cooked on a regular basis, then most of this the older housewives and grandmothers

- This modified food technology, the use of machines and mixers

- microwave and steamer cooking times have shortened considerably and changes the taste.

- The employment of women and men, the low number of children

- The wide range of ready meals and fast food on every corner

- flavor enhancers and artificial flavors are standard, without these ingredients taste many people eating flat and insipid

Man, this list may increase even further. It is more geared at saving time, especially since the food today are less in focus. Hardly anyone has to worry be satisfied, on the contrary, we live in an affluent society, especially as regards the food supply. We are hungry voluntarily in order to hold the figure. The pleasure has become questionable, on the contrary, people are thick as undisciplined and tend to be associated with the lower class.
With all these changes, which can hardly be stopped, we need to see that heritage is lost by these changes. Recipes can be documented and cook later. Here it is about the personal taste of the individual. Shall reject cooks that deal with high food, generally the "cook-by-side", which in the period before and after 1945 Rule was. The separate short cooking such as microwave absorber components receive their own taste, even if they are joined together later. Therefore, it is also striking some connoisseurs that courts warmed else / can taste better. This change in taste is typical of the "through-each-cooked" and makes a substantial difference.

The purpose of Arpard Dobriban is to heighten awareness of this development and make joint feasts in this memorable experience. His next event will take place on 26-6-10 at the mall Rhein-Ruhr in Mülheim. Registration at

employs Moreover Convinium up the "Middle Ruhrgebiet Herne / Bochum in Germany Slow Food," for quite some time with these issues. Peter Kraus, head Food journalist from Bochum, has developed a concept for the Ruhr area and kitchen along with several Slow Food "banquets" held.