I had already mentioned that nothing goes through a colleague, one of the latest episodes of the 7th Season of Gilmore Girls is on.
And because no one is perfect, I just have to realize, that the antepenultimate and the penultimate episode in full episode on the DVD. (The last episode has not yet aired).
which I was so frustrated and tense that I I have made in the Internet in search of rumors, because what is happen. And as always, if searching for something, you can meet with unpopular information. In my case in the press release that the 7th Gilmore Girls Season be the last one is. Ie the sequence on 15 May is the very last episode ever be. read here.
And because I want never to reveal what happens, I'll just enumerate briefly what happened (to my knowledge) NOT:
first Jess no longer appears on second
Lorelai and Luke not to marry
third Dean appeared not to
4th Mr. Medina appears no more.
5th Rory is not in Stars Hollow
6th Lorelai leaves Stars Hollow not
7th No one is pregnant
If the desire is there, I like to divulge what then happened. But it so no one wants to spoil the fun ...
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