The hardship to the foreign sellers on Amazon What have I just been through, because I work for the new phone wanted a 8GB micro-SD card order. Is indeed very difficult to find some-thing sent from Amazon
Have now sent an email once there, 'm just waiting to see the answer. Here is the text of the mail, because it describes the plight of the one now, if you want to order something different at the Amazon than books:
How can I show only products that are shipped from Amazon. I have seen the help entry , so I did it (I try to buy an 8GB micro-SD card), then I'll probably only those items that are shipped from Amazon.
Schön have since found an equal Kingston, the order I wanted. Click on it - oh, that provides not Amazon? I thought I had set it. OK So to "58 New" button. After a bit of scrolling I find Amazon as a seller - "Not available" ... If I had already seen on the overview page, I would spare me the can. The frustration level is now quite high.
taken on it clicked Next, and ... 'And sold by wusar * com. "- I would like to order anything from there, but from Amazon. But should be, I try the time out, if Amazon wants to make sure other suppliers come to the train, and finally delivers the (so it is there) so reviews. No sooner said than done - Shopping Cart by clicking ... and lo and behold ... will not be delivered to Austria. Thank you, I'm just thinking if I ever have here is to order something.
So I click "new 63" on und muss ganz weit runterscrollen, bis endlich der Eintrag von auftaucht. Und weil ich Glück habe, kann Amazon sogar liefern.
Wo kann ich einstellen, dass ich nur Produkte sehe die von Amazon geliefert werden. Mich interessieren die anderen überhaupt nicht - nicht nur für eine Suche, sondern dauerhaft. Gibt es dafür nicht eine Einstellung in den Konto-Optionen? Vor allem, wenn ich schon sage mich interessieren nur Amazon-Produkte, dann bitte zeigen Sie mir doch auch nur dieses Produkt an und ersparen Sie mir noch weitere Klicks und Herumscrollerei.
Für dieses Mal ist mir das gelungen, aber das nächste Mal muss ich ja wieder wie ein Irrer herumklicken und Suchen. Darum bitte um Information wo ich das einstellen can.
Reinhold Stansich