Der Niedergang der Grundrechte
Today the an entire essay, which I definitely do not read correct, so please take time and exercise tolerance.
Just go back a message through the media ( future zone: Petition for child porn consumption introduced ) that fundamental rights are to be further restricted. Of course, the leaders chose a path of each of the other hand, occurs under general suspicion provides. As always, it goes against the terrorist suspects and child pornography users.
Someone who opposes the tightening of measures against these groups may well be only an accomplice. But no, that's the fundamental misunderstanding, for nothing must be strong enough to overturn fundamental rights. As a basic example (this is in my view, much more drastic) is to serve the Daschner case. Many probably still remember the case of the policemen of a kidnapper could threaten violence to press out the hiding place of the alleged kidnap victim still alive. From the bottom of my heart I can understand the position of the policeman, and deep inside I am convinced I would act the same way. Without hesitation. And yet there must be justice that fundamental rights are respected. This position is necessary in order to maintain our understanding of the law. Where are absolute limits, must remain as absolute limits. If this line open, even for a case, would break the entire understanding of the law into himself, because then where is the limit? They would level off over time further and further down until, finally, the fundamental rights have been eroded completely.
And similarly it is also related to the erosion of basic rights in relation to suspected terrorism and child pornography. I hate to lowest, what these people and yet can not in our principles are shaken. It is part of salami tactics, such as fundamental rights are pushed back further and further to control the citizens, and thus be able to control. And I'm
no one follows the conspiracy theories, so I do not believe in the great organization behind it, but simply a development that was set in motion by certain people and the advantage for themselves or their lobby see this as more and more be exploited.
But it is clear that it still goes to the other of the two subjects neither the one serving as a cover.
suspicion of terrorism: When it was in Austria the last terrorist attack? If I remember correctly I was still at school, so even before it was the modern communications media. No phone and no internet was needed to run the attack on Nittel City Council or the stop at Schwechat Airport . But our police were so overwhelmed a man of the evidence on a death list of a terrorist unit and was reported to protect yourself there. So what will you do with billions of records of people with whom they have when on the phone or when they were logged on the Internet and the emails they sent? As the number of victims of drunk drivers much higher, it would be more accurate if we were to install a Breathalyzer in every car that is always used before operation and stores the test results and reported to the police. Of course, also provides the use of an electronic gauges for all cars, as well as the number of victims of excessive speed greater than those of victims of terrorism to powers of ten. Likely to keep coming up with thousands more in common other useful additions, but none would dare umzusezten someone because they felt more strongly in the real world than in the virtual Internet if not the majority understands what's going on really.
that in parts of the Welt die Grundrechte schon vollständige ausgehebelt wurden zeigt der Fall von Guntanamo ebenso wie Abu-Ghuraib wo letztlich die politischen Spitzen involviert waren und nur einige kleine Fische als Feigenblatt verurteilt wurden.
Die Operation Himmel beweist eindrücklich wie nutzlos die Methode ist, die sich unsere neue Justizministerin überlegt hat. 12.000 (in Worten Zwölftausend!) Menschen unter Verdacht gestellt und einige wenige Schuldige gefunden. Wenn ich jetzt boshaft sein will, behaupte ich mal, dass die Trefferquote mit einer zufälligen Stichprobe durchaus vergleichbar ist; nehme ich Köln mit einer Trefferquote von 0 aus 500, dann ist sie sogar schlechter als der Erwartungswert. Wenn ich weniger boshaft bin, dann bleibe ich bei der Tatsache, dass eine derart niedrige Trefferquote bei keinem anderen Beweis durchgehen würde. Eine höhere Treffergenauigkeit erzielt man mit Sicherheit, wenn man zunächst untersucht in welcher demographischen Schicht man einen erhöhte Wahrscheinlichkeit auf Täter findet und dann diese Schicht unter Generalverdacht stellt und bei allen angehörigen dieser Schicht eine Hausdurchsuchung anordnet. Das wäre grundrechtswidrig? Zweifellos!
Die wirklichen Täter wissen natürlich wie sie diese Methoden umgehen können. Dafür gibt es die Möglichkeit der Nutzung von nicht angemeldeten Internetzugängen (gut die könnte man natürlich ) Prohibit, Internet cafes (as we could of course be mandatory and set up cameras to take fingerprints, after all we have anyway soon be taken from all of the passports), etc. The best way but it's looking to get an open hotspot. First, it is free for anyone to understand and second, a guilty one has.
will probably soon give it the first ideas that you send along to make the use of a computer, a fingerprint must be assigned to a globally unique number, and each of the IP packet. This would have the delusions of control of our politicians finally achieved his goal, and Orwell was a provincial small-mindedness when he believed es gebe eine unüberwachte Ecke hinter dem Fernseher wo man Zuflucht suchen könne.
Denken wir das doch mal ganz einfach weiter. Rechner werden bald einen immer größeren Teil unseres Lebens einnehmen. TV, Zeitungen, Bücher, etc. - de facto jegliche Kommunikation wird über zentrale(!) elektronische Kanäle laufen. Vielleicht dauert das noch zwanzig Jahre ... aber dann wäre das Ziel der vollständigen Überwachung erreicht. Die Grundrechte und auch der Schmerz, dass diese Fehlen ist weiter erodiert. Jeder Rechner wird mit einem Fingerprint aufgedreht und alles wird protokolliert und in einem Rechner (der natürlich nicht Big Brother heißen wird) zusammengefasst. Natürlich wird jeder Mensch (vielleicht via implanted chip - general suspicion is already accepted in the brains ) at every step monitored.
The erosion of basic rights is the ground on which the surveillance mania can grow, appear the Orwell as a naive orphan boy leaves.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Surveillance At School
birthday on Irish
Hallo Freunde,
möchte Euch nicht meinen gestrigen Abend vorenthalten. Ein Kollege hatte Geburtstag und es ergab sich, dass Freunde von ihm, Musiker aus den USA, zur gleichen Zeit vorbei kamen. So hat er ein Privatkonzert bei sich zu Hause organisiert und einige Leute dazu eingeladen. Ich gehörte freundlicherweise mit dazu.
Die Musiker, ein Ehepaar mit irischen Wurzeln, musizierten zwei times a three-quarters of an hour with fiddle and Irish drum. Many nice people were there and a large buffet.
intermediate parts of the concert, we have warmed in the fresh air at a pre-prepared camp fire. Also a nice contribution was where I noticed the difference with Germany again. Would that bring in D without prior approval of the fire department? Anyway, it was a murder fun for the many children present. And all in all a very nice evening.
Speaking of Germany: After I, since I'm here, just political negative news have heard, finally a positive one. The Scheffler Group is not a cost to taxpayers State supported. That would indeed straw. Then I would have applied for early naturalization.
your Det
Hallo Freunde,
möchte Euch nicht meinen gestrigen Abend vorenthalten. Ein Kollege hatte Geburtstag und es ergab sich, dass Freunde von ihm, Musiker aus den USA, zur gleichen Zeit vorbei kamen. So hat er ein Privatkonzert bei sich zu Hause organisiert und einige Leute dazu eingeladen. Ich gehörte freundlicherweise mit dazu.

intermediate parts of the concert, we have warmed in the fresh air at a pre-prepared camp fire. Also a nice contribution was where I noticed the difference with Germany again. Would that bring in D without prior approval of the fire department? Anyway, it was a murder fun for the many children present. And all in all a very nice evening.
Speaking of Germany: After I, since I'm here, just political negative news have heard, finally a positive one. The Scheffler Group is not a cost to taxpayers State supported. That would indeed straw. Then I would have applied for early naturalization.
your Det
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